Former top spy who lied under oath made one statement about Trump that will have your blood boiling

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The Deep State has been out to destroy Donald Trump for years.

That’s what Russiagate was all about.

And one former top spy who lied under oath made one statement about Trump that will have your blood boiling.

Suppressing the laptop story

Joe Biden won in 2020 in large part because the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” story was suppressed by the Democrat-controlled media.

A survey from the Media Research Center showed that 17% of voters in swing states would not have voted for Biden had they known about his family’s scandals.

One of the reasons that the laptop story was buried was because 51 former senior intelligence agents said that the laptop had all the “hallmarks of Russian disinformation.”

The laptop was obviously real, but the intel officers implied it was fake nonetheless.

And one of the signatories of the intel letter was former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who lied about NSA surveillance.

Clapper was asked by the House Judiciary Committee if he regretted signing the intel letter, and he said no.

Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) asked Clapper, “So you have — and I want to say this gently and respectfully — but you have cited your background and your experience in Russian disinformation, you’ve had two years to evaluate the evidence, and you still have no conclusion as to whether this was a Russian disinformation campaign?”

Clapper responded, “I have not had access to the laptop, myself, and I don’t know any results of a legitimate forensic analysis of it. Again, all I was suggesting of the possibility that Russians could be involved. I didn’t say they were.”

Clapper and other signatories gave themselves wiggle room by saying it had the “hallmarks” of a Russian intelligence op.

But they knew what they were doing.

The FBI had had the laptop for a year at that point; they knew it was real.

Deep State helped the Biden campaign in 2020

Stewart continued, “So at this point, you would think it would be valid for us to continue to investigate the Hunter Biden laptop as possible Russian disinformation?”

“Certainly,” Clapper said, well after it was impossible to deny the veracity of the laptop.

Stewart then asked, “Okay. And do you regret signing the letter?”

“No,” said Clapper bluntly.

Stewart asked, “Still not. With all the information available to you now, you still don’t regret it?”

Clapper again answered, “No. This is two and a half years ago.”

Stewart persisted, “But with the information available to you now, do you wish you could go back and say, you know, I wish I wouldn’t—”

“No, I don’t.” Clapper Interjected. “I do wish we added a statement in the letter that said something along the lines of, ‘We will of course abide by the results of a legitimate forensic analysis of the laptop.’ I think that would have strengthened the letter.”

The intent of the letter was clear.

It served as the impetus for Biden to claim that the laptop was fake during the final days of the 2020 election.

Biden said on the debate stage, “Look, there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what this, he’s accusing me of is a Russian plan. They have said that this has all the characteristics — four– five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it except him and his good friend Rudy Giuliani.”

It’s more than clear to most people that Biden, Clapper, and other Deep State operatives lied.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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