Joy Behar was worried sick after a guest made a scary threat against Clarence Thomas

Photo by Matt Johnson, via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Democrats are becoming more unhinged about Justice Clarence Thomas.

The hosts on The View were doing damage control mode after one bone-chilling confession.

And Joy Behar was worried sick after a guest made this scary threat against Clarence Thomas.

Author John Grisham worries The View with a threat against the Supreme Court

Democrats are seething with rage that the Supreme Court is one of the few institutions left in the country they haven’t captured.

That anger boiled over under President Joe Biden when the justices handed them major political setbacks.

After Roe v. Wade was overturned, Democrats ramped up their attacks on the high court and in particular Justice Clarence Thomas.

One guest on ABC’s The View took things way too far by fantasizing about the assassination of Supreme Court justices.

Author and former lawyer John Grisham appeared on the daytime talk show to promote his latest thriller Camino GhostsView co-host Whoopi Goldberg reads its audiobook. 

Co-host Joy Behar asked him about the “scandals plaguing the Supreme Court,” adding that the author should “write a book or make a movie out of that.”

Justices Samuel Alito and Thomas have been targeted with phony ethics scandals manufactured by the media.

“I wrote a great book called The Pelican Brief in which two Supreme Court Justices were assassinated, and I thought about doing it again,” Grisham mused. 

The audience burst into laughter after he made the deranged comment.

Grisham – an unabashed Democrat – was fantasizing about the assassination of conservative justices.

This was so far over the line that the co-hosts jumped in to save him.

“No, no, no,” Behar said. “He means he’d write the book.”

“Writing part two! He’s talking about writing part two!” a nervous Goldberg exclaimed.

“It’s all fiction,” co-host Sunny Hostin added.

Grisham snapped out of his vengeful trance about the high court.

“It’s all fiction,” Grisham said. “Don’t get upset.”

“It’s just fiction, it’s made-up stories,” Behar said.

The rhetoric against the Supreme Court has become completely unhinged on the Left.

Democrats can go on national TV and muse about the assassination of justices and The View’s audience cheered him on.

The hosts had to clarify to the viewers that Grisham wasn’t serious.

John Grisham continues ranting about the Supreme Court

Grisham – former Democrat State Representative in Mississippi – whined that the Supreme Court was in the worst shape he’s ever seen because it didn’t rule based on his political desires.

“The court has never looked this bad,” Grisham said. “In my lifetime, some of the rulings, the ethical challenges, it went downhill in 2000 when five Republicans on the court chose to elect a president, it was political, Bush versus Gore, that’s when it all started really going downhill.”

Grisham claimed that the court continues to go downhill every term. 

He suggested a solution floated by Congressional Democrats to break the Supreme Court’s conservative majority, term limits.

“So I have no solution because you can’t get rid of them,” Grisham stated. “The solution is to make them all retire at the age of 75. Every federal judge should have to retire at the age of 75.”

75-year-old Clarence Thomas would conveniently be forced to retire.

The Left is losing minds over the conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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