An FBI agent was targeted by leadership for speaking out over this awful reason

FBI, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The direction the FBI’s leadership has taken the bureau has made many rank-and-file agents uneasy.

Now the brass wants to make sure that there’s no dissension in the ranks.

And an FBI agent was targeted by leadership for speaking out over this awful reason.

FBI agents are being targeted for conservative political beliefs

Whistleblower advocacy group Empower Oversight came forward with explosive evidence from an FBI whistleblower whose fellow agents grilled him about his support for former President Donald Trump, January 6, and vaccines.

The FBI revoked his security clearance – a job necessity – in the wake of January 6 after 12 years on the job.

Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt sent a letter to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz that contained questions that agents were asked about the whistleblower by the FBI Clearance Investigations Unit.

FBI agents were asked if the whistleblower would “vocalize support for President Trump,” “vocalize objection to COVID-19 vaccination,” “vocalize intent to attend 01/06/2021” or “attended the Richmond Lobby Day event on 1/18/2021.”

Virginia Citizens Defense League – a pro-gun group – held its annual Lobby Day at the Capitol Building in Richmond.

The FBI investigation into the whistleblower determined that he was a Trump supporter who supported the Second Amendment.

But it noted that he wasn’t violent or posed any threat. 

And he had received good performance reviews during his time with the bureau. 

January 6 could have been the catalyst against the FBI whistleblower 

The FBI has been on the warpath against all things January 6 which the bureau’s politicized leadership turned into the largest criminal investigation in its history.

Empower Oversight’s letter said that the FBI whistleblower observed January 6 on his personal time.

His security clearance was revoked in April 2022 after the FBI investigated him over his beliefs.

“I write today to formally disclose to you on our client’s behalf shocking documents in SecD’s investigative file that evidence an abuse of authority and a violation of our client’s rights under the First Amendment,” Leavitt wrote in the letter.

“The documents appear to demonstrate SecD’s political bias and abuse of the security clearance process to purge the FBI of employees who expressed disfavored political views or concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine requirement,” Leavitt added.

FBI leadership was trying to purge the bureau of a Trump supporter with an investigation into his political beliefs.

“The documents appear to demonstrate [the Security Division]’s political bias and abuse of the security clearance process to purge the FBI of employees who expressed disfavored political views or concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine requirement,” Leavitt stated.

Leavitt noted that this was irrelevant information for the purposes of a security clearance. 

The whistleblower retired from the FBI after the alarming incident and came forward to the House Judiciary Committee to make protected disclosures.

Supreme Court precedent has found that firing a federal employee for their political beliefs is a violation of their First Amendment rights.

The FBI is trying to clean house to get rid of anyone who doesn’t fall in with the bureau leadership’s political agenda.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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