This television star just put the Left in their place as outrage ensues over this common sense speech

Theonewhoknowsnothingatall, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Almost every time a high-profile conservative dares to speak out publicly, the Left goes into a frenzy. 

This especially applies when any of the leftists’ most sensitive issues are triggered in a direct and brutal fashion.  

And this television star just put the Left in their place as outrage ensues over this common sense speech. 

Patricia Heaton just unleashed on the radical left for their latest meltdown

Many American Colleges and Universities held their graduation ceremonies over the last few weeks, inviting political figures, actors, and sports stars to deliver commencement speeches. 

For example, Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas hosted Kansas City Chiefs placekicker and three-time Super Bowl Champion Harrison Butker to deliver this year’s commencement speech. 

“I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you,” Butker began, addressing female graduates.  

“How many of you are sitting here now about to cross the stage, and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you‘re going to get in your career?” the Super Bowl-winning kicker asked the ladies of the graduating class.

“Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world. But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world,” the football star concluded. 

For many Americans, these statements and claims made in this speech make plenty of sense.  

However, Butker’s speech has sent many on the radical left into a tailspin, with some harshly criticizing him for daring to defy the agenda of the “woke” mob. 

Some have come to Harrison Butker’s defense, including former “Everybody Loves Raymond” star Patricia Heaton. 

Heaton took to Instagram, telling her followers Saturday that she doesn’t “understand why everyone’s knickers are in a twist.”

“He gave a commencement speech, the audience applauded twice during the speech and gave him a standing ovation at the end. So clearly, they enjoyed what he was saying,” the former television star added. 

Heaton then addressed some of Butker’s critics, especially those who have attacked him for having a different opinion than their own.  

“So what? It’s his opinion.  He can have one,” Heaton told her Instagram followers.

Heaton finished her video segment with, “He’s not a monster for stating what he believes. He went after bishops much more than he went after women or what women’s choices are or what he thinks they should be. So, I don’t understand.”

Patricia Heaton just exposed this major flaw with the modern Left 

As Patricia Heaton pointed out in her Instagram video, having a different opinion than somebody does not make that person a monster. 

In recent years, the radical Left has become increasingly intolerant of viewpoints that get in the way of their radical agenda. 

This especially applies to Christian beliefs that dare to question modern feminism and pro-abortion sentiments. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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