Mark Zuckerberg turned red with outrage as this report spread like wildfire

DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

As more people become dependent on social media, Big Tech companies have used their captive audience to advance a radical political agenda. 

With this in mind, many experts predict that social and digital media will make a profound impact this November. 

And Mark Zuckerberg turned red with outrage as this report spread like wildfire. 

This Heritage Foundation report shines a spotlight on the radical agendas of many Big Tech companies 

Millions of Americans log into their social media accounts every minute. 

More people rely on social media than ever before for the weather, news, entertainment, and communicating with friends and family. 

With this in mind, top brass at Big Tech companies such as Google, Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, and Jeff Bezos’ Amazon have come under fire for using their captive audience to advance the agenda of the radical left. 

Daniel Cochrane, a Senior Research Associate in the Tech Policy Center at The Heritage Foundation, recently exposed these antics on Texas’ Big Country Politics on CBS KTAB News. 

More specifically, Cochrane accused social media companies of not just censorship, but also going as far as to “decide who receives that information and who doesn’t.” 

According to Cochrane earlier this week, “Tech companies are able to shift millions of votes through what we’ll call subliminal methods of manipulation. So when we’re talking about prioritizing certain websites in search feeds, deprioritizing some websites.”

He then pointed to the issue of illegal immigration saying, “Think about all of the illegal immigrants that the left is trying to push to get registered, the social media companies that internet companies are a part of that; they’re able to leverage their mountains of data to target go vote and voter registration information at those individuals.” 

“We know for a fact that in tight elections, turnout really makes a massive difference. So these companies are not just massive sensors, but they’re playing with our elections and undermining our self-governing Republic,” the Heritage Foundation researcher added. 

Many Americans became aware of Big Tech’s political interference schemes after the 2020 election, however, Cochrane claims that such interference started much earlier than that. 

Cochrane punched back at Big Tech with “They’ve been fiddling with elections, some evidence suggests, as far back as 2012. They were doing it in 2016.”

He then pivoted to this year’s election, stating that, “This is the time to strike.”

“Now’s the time to hold these companies accountable ahead of November. Don’t wait till the car accident happens. Stop it from happening in the first place. That’s what we need to do,” Cochrane said at the end of the segment. 

Big Tech will do anything to help their pals on the radical Left 

Daniel Cochrane’s claims earlier this week demonstrate the lengths that big Tech will go to help Democrats win elections. 

Many political experts predict a close election this fall, meaning that schemes such as this could make all the difference. 

As Cochrane charged at the end of his segment, if something is not done about his problem, then it will only continue to get worse for voters. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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