George Soros got one gift from the Biden administration to turn 2024 upside down

Photo by: Wiktor Dabkowski, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

The stakes are high for Democrats in the 2024 Election.

Now they’re deploying one of their biggest power brokers on a rescue mission.

And George Soros got one gift from the Biden administration to turn 2024 upside down.

George Soros scooping up the nation’s second-largest radio network 

Globalist billionaire George Soros is making his big power play for the 2024 Election.

The Soros Management Fund poured $400 billion into the bankrupt radio network Audacy in February.

Audacy is the second-largest radio network in the country behind the iHeart network with more than 220 radio stations across the country and a digital platform.

An estimated 165 million listen to Audacy stations which carry conservative talk radio show hosts like Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck.

The New York Post reported that the motivations behind scooping up the bankrupt radio network are political.

“The idea that George Soros is buying hundreds of local radio stations right before a national election and will keep broadcasting Sean Hannity and other conservative talk radio hosts on Audacy is not credible,” an industry source told the Post.

Soros has access to 165 million – including many in pivotal swing states – that he can use the radio network to get his message to in an election year.

George Soros getting an election year favor from the Biden administration 

A deal this size needs the approval of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to go through.

The Soros Management Fund is using foreign money for the Audacy deal so it needs a special favor from the FCC to make it happen.

FFC rules restrict foreign ownership of American radio stations to 35% but the Soros Management Fund filed for an exemption.

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr – who was appointed by former President Donald Trump – opposed giving Soros a special carveout.

“The FCC should not create a special Soros shortcut,” Carr told The Post.

“When it comes to a broadcast station acquisition of this size and magnitude – hundreds of radio stations across more than 45 markets – the FCC needs to run its full and normal review process,” Carr continued. “The FCC should not be skipping steps or waiving required agency processes.”

The Soros Fund Management has been a shopping spree for the last two years ahead of the 2024 Election.

It paid $60 million to buy 18 Spanish-language radio stations throughout the country including the conservative Radio Mambi – founded by anti-communist Cuban exiles.

The conservatives were cleared out at Radio Mambi and officials connected to former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were put in charge.

“Everything was hard-core anti-Communism politics on Radio Mambi before. That’s all gone now,” former Radio Mambí host Lourdes Ubieta said. 

Soros also ponied up for the left-wing Crooked Media podcast network.

Now he’s poured enough into Audacy to give him control of it when it emerges from bankruptcy.

Radio stations in swing states allow Soros to bombard listeners with his message to support President Joe Biden in an election year.

And the Biden administration will green-light his ability to do it.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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