Stephen Colbert crossed a line when he led his audience in this unthinkable chant

Montclair Film, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The current crop of late-night hosts don’t even approach the standard Johnny Carson set. 

In fact, they can’t even rise to the levels of Jay Leno and David Letterman. 

And now Stephen Colbert crossed a line when he led his audience in this unthinkable chant. 

Late-night television ain’t what it used to be 

In the good old days of late-night television, Johnny Carson roasted both sides of the political aisle on the Tonight Show.

No one was off-limits for Carnac the Magnificent.

Fast-forward to today and the new regime of so-called “comedians,” like Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, James Corden, Trevor Noah and Samantha Bee ignore laughs in favor of pushing a radical Left-wing political viewpoint.

Gone are jokes, replaced by attacks against Republicans at every turn – especially Donald Trump.

Democrats like Joe Biden, and Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) all get softball interviews.  Biden cabinet official Pete Buttigieg was even once brought in to play guest host for a night.

Their formula for late night has alienated half the audience – with many viewers reaching for their remotes to turn the channel.

With so many Americans tuning out, the ratings for late night are in the toilet and have been for a few years now.

Things are so bad for the not-so-funny-men, Breitbart News reported last year that ad revenue for Cobert and company’s programs has collapsed 41% in just five years’ time.

According to Vivvix, a tracker of ad spending, the big late night shows on the networks and Comedy Central drew more than $698-Million in advertising in 2018.

Five years later, that total came crashing down to $412.7-Million.

That’s a loss of more than $285-Million annually.

And CBS The Late Show host Stephen Colbert just made matters worse by celebrating the government’s weaponization against Biden regime political opponents. 

Trump’s sham conviction on bogus charges 

“Mother Teresa couldn’t beat these charges!”

Those were the words from Donald Trump after hearing New York City Judge Juan Merchan’s convoluted instructions to a jury of 12 residents of one of the bluest cities in America which practically guaranteed a conviction.

From the moment Alvin Bragg’s bogus case against the 45th President of the United States was given the greenlight to move forward – Trump was always going to be found guilty.

The supposed “election interference” charges stem from alleged “business document changes” that didn’t even occur until months after the election they were purportedly meant to interfere with.

The underlying offense – paying someone to not say things about you, or what Big Media has labeled “hush money” – is not illegal.

Bragg even had to invent charges he didn’t have jurisdiction to bring in order ot get around the statute of limitations having lapsed on the alleged “crime.”

None of it mattered.

And Stephen Colbert appears to believe Democrat Party lawfare efforts to bring down the republic is worth applauding.  

Colbert shows off his bad case of TDS

In his first monologue following the sham “conviction,” Colbert decided to go into his routine Trump attacks disguised as jokes.

Colbert introduced a “Countdown to Sentencing Advent Calendar” revealing a celebratory alcoholic beverage. 

He mocked Trump’s remarks that “if they could do this to me, they could do it to anyone” by labeling a “meltdown.” 

“It would be tough for the public?” Colbert said. “Actually, I happen to have a large number of the public here. Hey, public, what do you all think of Trump going to jail?”

The crowd of woke zealots at the television taping in New York City began chanting “lock him up.” 

Colbert giggled like a little schoolboy, egging on the chant. 

Lock him up for what exactly? 

Colbert joked about Trump’s crime being having sex with a porn star. 

Paying someone to not talk about you. 

Even if they had been proven true in a non-politically motivated trial, neither of those things are crimes.

And what the New York City jury actually convicted of, falsifying documents, almost never carries with it jail time. 

But Colbert doesn’t care. 

He wants Trump behind bars simply for having different political positions than him. 

And it’s Trump they say is the “threat to Democracy?”

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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