Tucker Carlson disclosed a jaw-dropping secret about a famous White House reporter

Tucker Carlson has become a sworn enemy of Permanent Washington.

Establishment Democrats and Republicans rejoiced when he was let go at Fox News.

And Tucker Carlson just disclosed a jaw-dropping secret about a famous White House reporter.

Tucker Carlson continues to build out his own media company after being ousted from Fox News for no stated reason.

Carlson appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast and made a lot of eye-opening statements.

2016 turning point

He admitted that he was “radicalized” by the deep state coup attempt against Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016.

Carlson later explained that Trump was not the first President to be targeted by the deep state.

He told the story of Richard Nixon being taken down amid the Watergate scandal.

Carlson told Rogan, “If you look at what happened to Richard Nixon, which of course I did not understand at all, Richard Nixon was taken out by the FBI and CIA, and with the help of Bob Woodward, who was a Washington Post reporter who had been a Naval intelligence officer working in the White House — in the Nixon White House. And then he shows up like a year later and he’s this brand new reporter, he’d never been a journalist at all, he’s a Naval intel officer. The famous Bob Woodward we all revere is at the Washington Post, and somehow he gets the biggest story in the history of the Washington Post. He’s the lead guy on that story. I worked at a newspaper, and I’ve worked in the news business my whole life. That is not how it works. You don’t take a kid on his first day from a totally unrelated business and put him on the biggest story. But he was that guy. And who is his main source for Watergate? Oh, the number two guy at the FBI, [Deputy Director Mark Felt a.k.a. ‘Deep Throat’].”

The story gets even deeper from there.

“Deep state coup”

Carlson continued, “Oh, so you have the Naval intelligence officer working with an FBI official to destroy the president. Okay. So that’s a deep state coup. How else would you describe it? If that happened in Guatemala, what would you say? And yet, the way it was framed that I accepted for decades was, ‘Oh, this intrepid reporter fought power.’ No, no, no, this intrepid reporter Bob Woodward was a tool of secret power, which is the most threatening kind, to bounce the single most popular president in American history, Richard Nixon, from office before the end of his term, and replace him with who? Gerald Ford, who sat on the Warren Commission.”

Carlson further elaborated on the story, which blew Rogan’s mind.

Carlson did not even mention that former White House counsel John Dean allegedly orchestrated the Watergate break-in to destroy damaging information about his then-fiancee – a theory that was laid out in the book Silent Coup.

The past eight years have shown people that Permanent Washington is capable of a lot of things when its power is threatened.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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