Greg Gutfeld revealed one ticking time bomb facing Democrats that left Ilhan Omar fuming Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbMarch 12, 20253 minute readNo comments
Trump’s border czar just scored a big win with one announcement Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbMarch 12, 20253 minute readNo comments
Michelle Obama made one big announcement about the massive change her family will undergo Cat2 corruptionbyrg_jbMarch 12, 20253 minute readNo comments
RINO sellouts are plotting a betrayal against Donald Trump to protect one awful part of Biden’s legacy Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbMarch 12, 20252 minute readNo comments
Read More 2 minute read Cat3 corruption Major League Baseball just did something unthinkable to Jackie Robinson’s legacy “Woke” activists ruin just about everything. And they have set their sights on professional sports. Now Major League… byrg_jbJune 5, 2024No comments