Nigel Farage leveled a damning charge that has all hell breaking loose in Europe

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

In the coming months, voters around the Western world will head to the polls. 

The ruling class has signaled that they will do anything to hold onto power. 

And Nigel Farage leveled a damning charge that has all hell breaking loose in Europe. 

Big Tech has already thrown a wrench in the highly anticipated UK elections 

As Americans celebrate Independence Day, citizens of the United Kingdom will head to the polls to determine the future of their nation. 

This election comes after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for an election last May after years of turmoil. 

Polls show that Sunak’s Conservative party, otherwise known as the Tories, will take a beating this July 4. 

The Tories, which many political experts compare to Establishment Republicans in the United States, have ruled over the United Kingdom for nearly 14 years, causing many Britons to desire change. 

Pollsters predict the leftist Labor Party to make significant gains, with some polls showing that Labor could win one of the largest majorities in the extensive history of the British Parliament. 

Even worse for the Tories, many voters on the right have turned to the Reform Party led by Nigel Farage. 

The Reform Party has made immigration and tax reform its top issues, dividing voters on the right. 

Nigel Farage and the Reform Party’s emphasis on immigration reform has created a firestorm on the Left, similar to the outrage that exists on the American Left over calls for border security.  

In recent weeks, Nigel Farage has charged that Big Tech is putting its thumb on the scales, alleging that Google blocked the Reform Party’s ad account. 

Farage clapped back on this move, accusing the Tech giant of “election interference.” 

However, the Reform Party’s ad account has since been reinstated following public backlash. 

A closer look at Google’s move to block Reform’s ad account reveals that one Reform Party ad allegedly committed a “policy violation.” 

Elisabeth Driscoll of the University of Bristol Law School claimed on, “It is unclear which policy they violated.” 

“Google’s advertising policies that appear most applicable are the political content and the inappropriate content policies,” the British legal expert added. 

The ambiguous nature of Google’s decision to temporarily block Reform’s ad account has drawn comparisons to the actions taken by Big Tech companies in 2020 in the lead-up to the United States Presidential election. 

Many Britons fear that Big Tech companies like Google could use their immense power to unfairly hinder the Reform Party’s digital strategy as Election Day approaches. 

Social Media and the internet will play a profound role in the upcoming elections

More people than ever before use social media and the internet to work, communicate, and inform themselves. 

This means that any action designed to silence a political entity or individual online can have a profound impact on the political system. 

The upcoming UK elections could give Americans a glimpse into Google and other Big Tech company’s election strategy, which could easily be applied to United States elections. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story. 

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