Local official lobs this accusation as lawmakers spar over a hot-button issue

Kumar Appaiah, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Presidential politics gets the lion’s share of media coverage in the United States. 

However, many of the important decisions that impact your daily life happen at the state and local level. 

And this local official lobbed this accusation as lawmakers spar over a hot-button issue.

A local debate over rampant homelessness quickly devolved into a war of words 

Turn on your preferred news outlet, and chances are, the outlet is talking about Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and/or the upcoming presidential election. 

Rarely do local politics make the prime-time cable news, yet local politics can often result in profound differences in your daily life. 

For example, a grudge match has ensued in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania over the controversial issue of homelessness. 

Predictably, Democrats want to give homeless people in the county as many government handouts as possible, and Republicans want to get them off of the street. 

What has elevated this spat to national headlines is how Democrat policymakers have blamed “misinformation” for the dispute. 

More specifically, Democrat Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato introduced her plan to establish 500 housing units in 500 days, a lofty and very expensive ambition. 

Republican Committee Chairman Sam DeMarco voiced his skepticism, citing concerns from his constituents that senior housing facilities could be turned into homeless housing in order to meet these goals. 

Rather than calmly addressing these concerns, Innamorato immediately accused DeMarco of spreading so-called “misinformation.” 

According to the Pennsylvania Democrat, “We are going to have to take each person and figure out what their unique needs are.  So for some people, it’s just housing and it’s just helping us find a way for them to support and afford that.” 

She expanded on her plan with, “For others, they may have mental health needs, they may have a substance use disorder, and they need specialized living quarters and specialized services.” 

Innamorato then turned to her Republican colleague, stating, “I think that the rhetoric that Council member DeMarco is putting out is actively harming our unhoused neighbors.”

“It’s actively harming senior citizens because it’s spreading misinformation and it’s not rooted in the reality of what this program is and the data that we have through our Department of Human Services,” the Keystone State policymaker charged. 

“Misinformation” has become a catchall term for the radical Left

This ongoing feud in Allegheny County exemplifies how many Democrats and leftists have weaponized the term “misinformation” in recent years. 

In many cases, Leftists have targeted anybody they disagree with, labeling their opinions as “misinformation,” even if those opinions were true. 

Large tech companies such as Meta and Google have adopted this sort of name-calling, often flagging content that gets in the way of the political agenda of the far-left as “misinformation.”

Furthermore, the Joe Biden administration faces intense legal pressure, including an ongoing Supreme Court course, for their alleged coordination with these Big Tech companies to target and silence certain individuals and accounts online. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story. 

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