Barack Obama had to step in and save Joe Biden after one embarrassing moment

Pete Souza, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden would not be in the White House if not for Barack Obama.

The Obama coalition rescued Biden during the 2020 primary.

And Obama again had to step in and save Joe Biden after one embarrassing moment.

Joe Biden was a standard-issue corrupt establishment Senator when he was paired with Barack Obama in 2008.

Biden was best known for plagiarism, lying about his college record, and putting his foot in his mouth with cringeworthy public statements.

Obama to the rescue, again

All these years later, Obama is still helping to prop up Biden.

Both appeared at a fundraiser in Los Angeles hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, and Biden again looked befuddled at the end of the event.

Biden froze, and Obama had to guide him off the stage.

Biden’s recent behavior has been unsettling to the point where one wonders if the Democrats are attempting to lower expectations for his upcoming debate with Donald Trump.

Biden looks so feeble that if he can simply stay on his feet through 90 minutes, the Democrat-controlled press will view it as a victory.

That was the strategy employed by the Democrats in 2020.

Biden barely campaigned and hid in his basement, and made it through two debates with Trump without falling down.

Attorney General Merrick Garland was even willing to eat a Contempt of Congress charge to bury Biden’s taped interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur regarding the classified documents investigation.

Garland was concerned that Biden would sound like the forgetful old man that Hur called him in his summary.

During the 2022 midterms, Democrats similarly lowered the bar for Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), who was even drawing concern from left-wing journalists.

At another point in the Los Angeles event, Biden rambled incoherently as Obama kept a straight face and pretended as if his former Vice President was saying something profound.

Biden gives himself a cringe-worthy nickname

Biden bragged about having the “highest unemployment” in 50 years, then gave himself the nickname—a big no-no—“Joe Jobs.”

The President said, “But I think what we’ve tried to do from the beginning — and it’s a follow on from when I was Vice President — we tried to give ordinary people an even chance, just a chance. Everybody has a chance. And that’s what’s happening. And guess what? It’s growing.  The economy is growing. People are doing better. We have the highest unemployment — the highest — the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. We have more people — we’ve had over 50 million people, brand new, hired into the workforce.”

Biden left out the fact that the new jobs are going to the illegal aliens flowing into the country.

He added, “You know, my — my son says, ‘You ought to have a — you know, we all have various short-term descriptions for your jobs — for your — what — what you accomplished.  And you should say, “Joe jobs,” because it’s about jobs, about giving people a shot.  You give them a shot, they never let you down.’”

Obama had to sit there and smile and nod at that nonsense.

Republicans are correct to point out Biden’s flaws, but they should not set expectations too low because the Democrats will surely have some cocktail of methamphetamines to have Biden fired up for a controlled television debate. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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