The DNC just made a damning admission about Democrats’ cases against Donald Trump in newly-disclosed records

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Democrats are moving full speed ahead with their indictments against Donald Trump.

But the attempts to stop Trump from running for re-election are failing.

And the DNC just made a damning admission about Democrats’ cases against Trump in newly-disclosed records.

Democrat attorneys around the country are engaging in unprecedented lawfare against Donald Trump.

Biden White House pulling the strings?

The Biden administration and corporate-controlled journalists have sworn up and down that Joe Biden had nothing to do with the cases against Trump.

But that narrative is quickly unraveling.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis met with Kamala Harris at the White House before indicting Trump, and Matthew Colangelo, the number three man at the Department of Justice, inexplicably left his high perch to serve as a prosecutor in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s hush money case against Trump.

And the collusion appears to be even deeper than that.

It turns out that the Democratic National Committee paid millions of dollars in “legal services” to law firms heavily involved with Trump’s cases.

The connection was made because of disclosures to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), suggesting that the Democrats were concerned Bragg’s ridiculous legal theory could be used against them.

Democrat firms paid by the DNC

The Daily Caller reported that “Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP founding partner Roberta A. Kaplan represented E. Jean Carroll in her sexual assault and defamation suits against Trump. The New York Times previously reported that Reid Hoffman, the billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn, helped pay for Carroll’s lawsuits. The DNC did not pay the firm for any services from its founding in 2017 until August of 2021. Carroll initiated her first lawsuit against Trump in 2019.”

So the DNC did not pay the firm at all until 2021 when Biden became president, and the lawfare against Trump began.

A partner at the firm also worked on both of Trump’s impeachments.

And the firm boasted on its website that it “represent[ed] former U.S. District Court Judge John Gleeson as a court-appointed amicus in United States of America v. Michael T. Flynn.”

Flynn was of course railroaded by the FBI as part of the Russiagate hoax.

The DNC also paid Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP millions of dollars in “legal services” since 2021.

That firm filed many amicus briefs in the United States vs. Donald Trump case, which revolves around January 6.

So the DNC under Biden is clearly involved in legal cases against Trump.

Trump legal advisor Mike Davis explained, “There is now clear and explosive evidence that the Biden DNC is paying Democrat law firms to engage in this unprecedented lawfare and election interference against President Trump.”

It’s getting harder and harder for the Democrats to argue that the Biden administration had zero impact on the lawfare against Trump.

Republicans are likely over the target because Trump attorney Will Scharf was shouted down by ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos when he broached the subject of collusion.

Scharf said, “How about the fact that Matthew Colangelo was standing over Alvin Bragg’s shoulder when he announced this verdict. I mean, Colangelo was the number three official in the Biden Department of Justice who suddenly disappears and shows up as an assistant district attorney right as Trump’s case in New York starts to proceed. . .You want to talk about political coordination, George, it’s right there.”

Stephanopoulos abruptly ended the segment soon after.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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