Joe Biden’s top handlers dropped jaws with one reaction to a cognitive episode that no one predicted

Photo by The White House, CC BY 3.0 US, via Wikimedia

Joe Biden has become one of the most gaffe-prone Presidents in American history. 

Nearly every public event results in Joe Biden embarrassing himself, raising concerns among the American public. 

And Joe Biden’s top handlers dropped jaws with one reaction to a cognitive episode that no one predicted.

The White House’s latest move has many American voters scratching their heads

As November inches closer, Joe Biden and Donald Trump have attempted to separate themselves over the top issues that weigh on the minds of voters.

However, Joe Biden’s apparent cognitive decline has come to the forefront of this election cycle. 

Joe Biden recently came under fire for a string of gaffes at a D-Day commemoration ceremony, a G7 summit, and a Juneteenth celebration. 

Clips emerged of Joe Biden wandering off, staring blankly into the distance, and looking confused at these events, which follows a pattern of similar behaviors from Joe Biden at other high-profile events. 

Soon after committing these gaffes, the Republican Party and media figures created videos that compiled these gaffes, allowing American voters to judge Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities for themselves. 

As these videos circulate around the internet, many on the Left have decried these clips, calling them “deceiving” and “misleading.” 

The Biden White House has even created a task force to combat these clips, which White House officials have deemed as “cheap fakes.”

This term refers to media clips that do not necessarily show false footage but rather show cleverly edited footage that casts Joe Biden in a negative light. 

Biden campaign spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg detailed the Biden team’s plan to fight back against so-called cheap fakes, telling Americans, “Voters deserve accurate information to inform their choice this November and our campaign will be vigilant in calling out these lies when we see them.”

“We hope media organizations and others with influential platforms follow our lead,” the flustered Biden official added. 

This call to arms has many Americans concerned, as Joe Biden and his administration already face immense pressure for working with social media platforms to censor Americans online. 

Ehrenberg’s recent statements indicate that the Biden administration will not stop pressuring social media companies to bend to their whim, which many Americans view as a clear violation of the First Amendment. 

The fight against so-called misinformation has taken a drastic and alarming new turn 

The Left has declared a war on “misinformation,” claiming that bad actors have published lies with the intent to drum up political discontent. 

Over the years, examples have emerged of these misinformation campaigns tackling conservatives after these individuals did not break any rules or did not post any lies. 

Now, Joe Biden and his team have set their sights on obviously real video clips, simply because they cast Joe Biden in a negative light. 

This development shows that many on the left and their allies in Big Tech have become so bold and drunk with power, delegitimizing anything that steps in the way of Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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