Joe Biden s*** on a shingle with this frightening scheme for Americas’ food

Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats want to control every aspect of Americans’ lives. 

That want is rooted deep into almost every one of their preferred policies. 

And now President Joe Biden just s*** on a shingle with this frightening scheme for Americas’ food. 

Let them eat larva – President Biden is burning Americans with this one tracking plan that is anything but well done 

The green globalists want everyone to give up meat. 

But that’s not enough. 

They really don’t want you eating plants either. 

Bugs are what extreme globalists want as the future menu for humanity. 

That’s not hyperbole – it’s one of the stated goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

Each year, the leading globalists from around the world gather in Davos, Switzerland, to plan a woke takeover of the world. 

The leaders of the WEF have proposed replacing meat with insect paste. 

And what happens in Davos doesn’t stay in Davos – it spreads across the globe. 

In fact, the radical ideas you hear coming from the mouths of America’s most woke politicians often originate at the WEF conference.

And President Joe Biden just made one move that sounds very familiar to WEF’s anti-meat position. 

USDA to track all the steak you eat 

The United States federal government used COVID-19 as an excuse to push many policies they never would have been able to implement otherwise. 

They did so under the guise of “public health.” 

And now the Biden administration is looking to bring authoritarian tracking to the meat you eat. 

According to Reason, President Biden’s United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is implementing a new rule requiring all cattle and bison to be tagged with radio-frequency identification (RFID). 

The RFID tags act like a barcode and will allow the federal government to track your steak dinner all the way back to the ranch where it was raised. 

Reason reports that the USDA claims the move is to prevent mad cow and hoof-to-mouth disease outbreaks. 

It’s important to note the last mad cow outbreak was in 2003, confined to a single state and eradicated in weeks. 

Meanwhile, the last case of hoof-to-mouth disease found in America was all the way back in 1923. 

In practice, this is yet another unfunded mandate that will advantage massive corporate farms over family-owned farms – and will provide endless data to the feds. 

According to Reason, “Electronic RFID tags are twice as expensive as traditional metal tags and also require an upfront investment in scanners and software.”

But Biden’s USDA has one more hurdle to clear. 

Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) has introduced legislation that would bar the USDA from implementing any rule that mandates electronic tagging technology for cattle and bison.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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