Bill Clinton was sweating bullets when one disgraced Hollywood star name-dropped him

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Democrats still treat Bill Clinton like a noble statesman despite all of his scandals.

The Clinton family has become teflon.

But Clinton was sweating bullets when one disgraced Hollywood star name-dropped him.

Hollywood star Kevin Spacey was one of many celebrities caught up in the #MeToo Movement.

Spacey was accused by actor Anthony Rapp of sexual misconduct because of an incident that took place in 1986 when Rapp was a minor.

The cancelation of Kevin Spacey

Spacey did not deny the allegations, and officially came out as gay—one of the worst-kept secrets in Hollywood—perhaps to blunt criticism against him.

After that, Spacey was effectively “canceled” in Hollywood.

Over the past few years, Spacey has attempted to weasel his way back into the public’s good graces.

He recently appeared on Piers Morgan’s show, and confirmed that he flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” with Bill Clinton during a humanitarian trip to Africa.

Spacey told Morgan, “In 2015, I started seeing reports online, things on my Twitter account that I had flown to this guy Jeffrey Epstein’s Island and I had abused young girls. And I was like—I mean, if you’d asked me in 2015, maybe even if you’d have asked me in 2002, did I know a guy named Jeffrey Epstein, I probably would have said no.”

It seems a bit peculiar that Spacey was flying around on a private jet and he had no idea to whom it belonged.

Spacey continued, “Well, of course I have since learned who he is. And I have since been able to go back and find out that the airplane that we flew on for this humanitarian mission was owned by Jeffrey Epstein. And to then learn—oh, he was actually on some of those flights. And this Maxwell woman was on some of those flights. I didn’t know him. I’ve never spent any time with him. I was with the Clinton Foundation people. That’s who I was with.”

Clinton again connected to Jeffrey Epstein

Even though Epstein’s client list has become a state secret for some reason, Clinton was undeniably a frequent flier on the Lolita Express.

Spacey added, “Now. . .what I understand is that he didn’t start to be investigated until 2005 by authorities in Florida. So here’s what I can tell you. This Maxwell woman, she was one of many people who sat down next to me in that throne room. I have no relationship with her. I had no relationship with him. I mean, he’s not my friend. I’m not a confidant. I’ve never spent time with him.”

The fact that Spacey was hobnobbing with Epstein and did not even know it speaks to how ingrained he was into power centers.

Spacey claimed, “And interestingly, I will say this. I was very fortunate that President Clinton introduced me [to] a lot of business leaders in London because he knew I was coming to The Old Vic [theater]. . .Do you know who I never asked for anything was Jeffrey Epstein. I didn’t want to be around this guy. Because I felt he put the President at risk on that trip to South Africa because there were these young girls. And we were like, ‘Who’s this guy?’”

“There were young girls on those flights.” Morgan stressed.

Spacey confirmed, “There were young girls on those flights. Yeah.”

The elites have forgotten about Epstein, but the people have not.

Spacey’s interview only raises more questions.

It’s still unclear how Epstein made all of his money and had so many celebrity connections.

People are going to keep probing until they get real answers.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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