Alec Baldwin made a shocking admission about his early career

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Alec Baldwin’s career and freedom hang in the balance.

He has had a lot of time to reflect.

And Baldwin made a shocking admission about his early career.

Alec Baldwin has been in the show business for a long time.

He has lived through many eras.

During a podcast interview with famous singer Paul Anka and businessman Skip Bronson, Baldwin admitted that he had a huge cocaine problem in the early 1980s.

It was the ‘80s

Baldwin told them, “I don’t discuss this a lot. . .I discuss it every now and then when it makes sense. I’m 39 years sober. I got sober Feb. 23, 1985. . .I had a white-hot problem every day for two years. . .I think I snorted a line of cocaine from here to Saturn.”

Rampant cocaine use in the ‘80s has become cliché, but Baldwin admitted that he fit the stereotype of a coked-up Hollywood celebrity.

Baldwin continued, “I mean, cocaine was like coffee back then. . .Everybody was doing it all day long.”

He then confessed that he switched to drinking.

Baldwin noted, “Because I stopped doing drugs, my drinking increased, which they tell you is going to happen. And that did happen. I just started drinking.”

He said that he does not “miss drugs at all” but does “miss drinking.”

“I like to drink,” Baldwin admitted.

Bronson asked, “Because you don’t drink and because you don’t do drugs, what do you do? Do you meditate?”

Baldwin responded, “I do try to meditate. . .Meditating with seven children is like trying to play pingpong on the deck of an aircraft carrier. It’s a real pain in the a–, man.”

Trial looming

Perhaps also getting in the way of Baldwin’s meditation is his impending involuntary manslaughter trial.

Baldwin was charged in the shooting death of Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the filming of the western Rust.

Baldwin was holding the gun that fired and struck Hutchins and Director Joel Souza, who survived.

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, who served as armorer on the film, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Gutierrez-Reed’s conviction could be a bad harbinger for Baldwin because he was a producer on the film thus he bore responsibility.

The gun was also in his hand, though he claims it went off without him pulling the trigger; that claim was disputed by forensics experts.

Rust completed filming, but Baldwin’s fate has not yet been decided.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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