Adam Schiff is worried sick this company will land him and Joe Biden in prison

Louise Palanker from Los Angeles/Santa Barbara, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden is running an incredibly weak re-election campaign and so are Democrat Senate hopefuls like Adam Schiff.

The Left are finally coming to grips with the true stakes of failing to stop Trump and conservatives this fall.

Now Adam Schiff is worried sick this company will land him and Joe Biden in prison.

The Left is hell-bent on making sure 2016 can never happen again

The Democrats are still reeling from Hillary Clinton’s defeat at the hands of Donald Trump in 2016.

America’s choice was supposed to be between Hillary and Jeb!

That’s why the DNC rigged the primary against Sen. Bernie Sanders (Communist-VT), and the entire Washington, D.C. Swamp moved heaven and earth to destroy Trump.

But Trump sidestepped the press and got his message to the people through social media.

Ever since then, Democrat elites have been trying to figure out how to rein in alternative media platforms in order to regain monopoly control of the narrative.

Democrat-controlled outlets demanding 2024 interference in one jaw-dropping way

The Left have settled on two tactics: decrying the boogeymen of “hate speech” and “disinformation.”

So-called hate speech causes harm, therefore content must be censored.

That argument has receded to the ground in favor of fears over disinformation and misinformation, which simply means anything the establishment does not like.

That’s why POLITICO is calling for WhatsApp, a messaging app owned by Meta, to combat election disinformation on the app.

The left-wing outlet reported that the app “used by half a billion people has been running for more than eight months worldwide without any explicit election-disinformation policies — a lapse that lawmakers, disinformation experts and former Meta employees warn could pose grave risks in a year when nearly half the globe is casting major votes.”

So a Democrat-controlled media outlet is attempting to bully a social media platform to create “disinformation” policies.

The Censor Industrial Complex is a consortium of journalists, politicians, activists, and nonprofit organizations—with dubious funding sources—that work to shut down discourse that the establishment does not like.

Lyin’ Adam Schiff targeting app

For instance, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) commented, “Meta’s continued failure to implement explicit election misinformation policies on its public WhatsApp Channels threatens the integrity of democratic processes in the United States and across the globe. . .It is absolutely imperative that Meta extends the same policies from its other platforms to WhatsApp Channels to prevent the spread of election-related falsehoods.”

WhatsApp Channels allows users to publicly broadcast, which means that influential people could potentially spread a message that people like Adam Schiff do not like.

A spokesperson for WhatsApp Channels responded, “This is a one-to-many broadcasting service where you can privately follow and get updates from who you want to follow. There’s less of a social element than other platforms since followers can’t respond or comment, no one can see what Channels you follow or who else is following a certain Channel.”

Nevertheless, establishment figures still want to rein in the platform.

Only the official narrative is allowed to flourish online.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), who led the January 6th House Select Committee witch hunt against Trump, declared, “I hope that Meta will ensure WhatsApp joins its other social media platforms in publishing and enforcing community standards that protect democratic institutions, especially the right to vote and have confidence in election results.”

The intent from the Left could not be clearer: censor, or else.

Otherwise Joe Biden and oodles of his pals could land in prison.

That’s why they cornered Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta into giving into their authoritarian urges in 2020.

The rest of Silicon Valley followed suit.

Now Democrats are desperate to get Zuckerberg and Co primed for a repeat.

And they’re starting with WhatsApp.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story. 

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