Elon Musk silenced Karine Jean-Pierre with one word and now he has one of her would-be white knights totally triggered

Justin Pacheco, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

White House mouthpiece Karine Jean-Pierre has been caught red-handed telling lies to protect the Biden-Harris regime. 

Most recently, she lied about where FEMA funds are going. 

And Elon Musk silenced Karine Jean-Pierre with one word and now he has one of her would-be white knights totally triggered.

Americans are up in arms over the massive failure of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to deliver a proper response to Hurricane Helene. 

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has warned that FEMA may not have enough funding to get through the Hurricane season.

Donald Trump accused the agency of spending funds on illegal aliens. 

Democrats, including Karine Jean-Pierre have accused Trump of lying about this. 

But a video from 2022 shows Karine Jean-Pierre saying FEMA is indeed spending funds on migrants. 

Elon Musk shared the video side-by-side with her video accusing Trump of lying, with a one-word caption, “Yup.”

Ex-MSNBC host has a meltdown after Elon Musk exposes the truth

This led to causing former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann to launch into a tirade against Elon Musk.

“It is now time to cancel all of Elon Musk’s government contracts. Tesla, SpaceX, whatever other crap he’s selling us,” Olbermann said in a video he posted to promote his podcast.

Olbermann claimed Musk was “spreading potentially fatal disinformation and misinformation about FEMA’s recovery efforts and the impact in the affected states.”

Olbermann then called for Musk to be deported.

“He is also now working in an in-kind donation turning Twitter X into a Trump advertising campaign. It’s time to cancel all the contracts and re-assess his immigration status, and hopefully deport him the hell out of the country,” he said.

He took it a step even further and encouraged Biden to break the law in order to deport Musk.

“If we can’t do that by conventional means, President Biden, you have presidential immunity,” he continued. “Get Elon Musk the F out of our country and do it now.”

Democrats have spent the last several months fear mongering about Trump using Presidential immunity to become a dictator, and now those same Democrats are calling to illegally deport political opponents. 

Olbermann is the poster child of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

He quit his job as a sports commentator on ESPN so he could spend his time posting anti-Trump YouTube videos. 

He even moved out of his luxury apartment in New York City because Trump owned the building. 

He once claimed that Donald Trump did more damage to America than 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.

Musk recently got fully on the Trump Train after several years of gradually moving toward the Republican Party. 

The billionaire who owns electric vehicle car manufacturer Tesla has warned of the Left’s disturbing trend to attack free speech over the last several years. 

Musk believes that this is the most important election ever, and that if Harris wins in November, we may never have another as Democrats enact full-blown tyranny on our nation. 

And hearing the sort of rhetoric coming from leftists like Keith Olbermann, Americans have every reason to believe that Musk could be right.  

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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