Jeff Bezos got hit with a shocking accusation that he colluded with the DOJ in this terrifying revenge plot

Andrew Lee from Washington, D.C., USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Big Tech companies wield far more power than people realize.

Only recently have they been put under intense scrutiny.

And Jeff Bezos got hit with a shocking accusation that he colluded with the DOJ in this terrifying revenge plot.

Amazon allegedly put the screws to former employer

People are just beginning to come to grips with how powerful companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook are.

For example, many people get their news from Google and Facebook, and those companies can manipulate their algorithms to boost certain stories and suppress others.

One notorious instance was the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” story being suppressed on Facebook and outright censored on Twitter under the old regime before Elon Musk bought the platform.

Recently, Google got caught manipulating search results to suppress stories about Donald Trump surviving an assassination attempt.

And Amazon under Jeff Bezos has just as much power.

Amazon has become the largest bookseller in the world, but some titles have been banned or suppressed.

For example, When Harry Became Sally, a scholarly examination of the radical transgenderism craze, has been banned from Amazon.

When Trump was banned from every single social media platform after January 6, Twitter competitor Parler was essentially kneecapped by Apple, Google, and Amazon.

Apple and Google would not allow Parler to be purchased in their app stores, and Amazon Web Services denied Parler cloud services.

At the time, Twitter was the preferred platform of the intelligence agencies, so Parler had to be strangled in the crib.

In a similarly shady move, former Amazon Web Services contractor Carl Nelson found himself the subject of a Department of Justice investigation after leaving Amazon to go into business for himself.

Nelson works in commercial real estate, and he helped Amazon secure locations for the company’s massive servers.

Under his original Amazon employee contract, Nelson was free to go into business for himself, which is what he did.

However, Nelson had all of his assets seized by the FBI in May 2020 as part of an investigation into a business partner named Brian Watson.

Knock at the door from the FBI

The Seattle Times reported, “Though the FBI arrived at the Nelsons’ home in 2020, the legal saga began three years earlier, when Carl Nelson and another Amazon employee, Casey Kirschner, met Colorado developer Brian Watson. Carl Nelson and Kirschner worked on real estate deals to acquire data centers for Amazon Web Services, the company’s cloud computing division. The two represented Amazon in at least 10 land deals with Watson and his company, Northstar Commercial Partners, according to court documents. Amazon later accused Nelson and Kirschner of duping the company into doing business with Northstar, in exchange for kickbacks. Nelson, Kirschner and Watson, Amazon alleged, engaged in an elaborate scheme to defraud Amazon and co-opt its business for their own personal gain.”

According to Amy Nelson—Carl’s wife, who is an attorney—a separate company named IPI, which had its own commercial real estate subsidiary, wanted to cut Watson out of a real estate deal with Amazon.

The only way Watson could be legally cut out of the lucrative deal was if he were convicted of a felony.

Lo and behold, Watson was charged and his business associates got rolled up in the investigation.

Nelson maintained his innocence, and fought the feds in court.

Federal prosecutors win 98% of the time, so most defendants take plea deals, which is what others did in this case.

But in the end, the Department of Justice shockingly vacated the guilty pleas they received because the entire case was bogus.

The Washington Post, which is owned by Bezos, reported, “An attorney for Brian Watson, who was Northstar’s chief executive and one of the four people accused but never formally charged in the criminal investigation, described the experience as ‘nightmarish’ for his client and commended the U.S. attorney’s office for moving to drop the matter.

The feds are not in the habit of reversing guilty pleas.

The Seattle Times added that “Carl Nelson sued Amazon in 2020 and accused the company of violating Washington’s ban on noncompete agreements. Nelson’s Washington state lawsuit is paused until the federal civil case in Virginia concludes.”

The Left often blames corporations for having too much power.

While that can be a problem, the real issue is when corporations work hand in hand with the government to go after competitors.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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