Tucker Carlson infuriated the Washington D.C. Swamp with one message about a freed political prisoner

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia

Tucker Carlson is building powerful enemies.

He refused to go along with endless wars, which is likely why he was fired from Fox News.

And Carlson infuriated the Washington D.C. Swamp with one message about a freed political prisoner.

Assange free

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a free man.

Ever since reporting on U.S. intelligence agency secrets, he has been a marked man by the establishment.

Assange was essentially held in captivity for over a decade, but he was finally released after pleading to a phony crime and agreeing to time served.

And Tucker Carlson ripped the establishment after Assange’s release.

During a speech in Canberra, Australia, Assange’s country of birth, Carlson detailed the unconscionable treatment that Assange underwent.

Carlson said, “Anybody who knows anything about that case and believes that Assange should still be in prison is your enemy, by the way, and the enemy of human freedom and flourishing. It was monstrous that he spent 12 years locked away for exposing other people’s crimes. Typically the way it works, I don’t know if law enforcement’s the same here, but the guy who discovers the crime doesn’t go to jail. It’s the guy who commits the crime goes to jail. And that’s been inverted in his case.”

Getting cross with the intel agencies is a dangerous business.

Donald Trump found that out with Russiagate.

Carlson continued, “I visited him a few months ago in Belmarsh prison, and saw how they were effectively torturing him to death. And what I didn’t realize until I got there, even though I’ve been steeped in the case—I know his relatives, I know his wife Stella—is that he was never charged with the crime in Great Britain. Never. He was charged with no crime.”

It’s important to highlight that point.

Assange’s crime was exposing the secrets of the powerful.

“So in the free world, we don’t hold people who haven’t been charged with a crime. And we don’t hold them, in my country, beyond a year unless they’ve been convicted of a crime or they’re on trial for a crime. . .That’s just the most obvious abuse of human rights, and then went on for 12 years,” Carlson declared.

Assange was a political prisoner because he embarrassed the deep state.

It is not a crime for a journalist to leak classified documents.

Carlson added, “Why did anyone allow that? He was held in the UK on behalf of the United States, which by the way, until recently, hadn’t charged him with a crime either, and when it did charge him a fake crime under an ancient statute that no one has ever charged under, the Espionage Act. . .But he wasn’t charged in the U.S. He wasn’t charged in the UK. He was an Australian. . .And nobody did anything about it.”

Mike Pompeo revisited

Carlson’s speech sparked interest in a statement he made months ago on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

During the Rogan interview, Carlson recounted a story about former CIA Director Mike Pompeo allegedly threatening him for talking about the JFK assassination.

Carlson also referenced a Yahoo News story that reported Pompeo allegedly plotted to murder Assange.

The Military Industrial Complex is not playing around.

In a rare moment of honesty, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) gave Donald Trump a warning in 2017.

Schumer, in that one instance, was dead right.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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