James Carville turned red with rage after he got this devastating reality check about Donald Trump Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbMarch 13, 20253 minute readNo comments
Tulsi Gabbard infuriated Deep State collaborators when she pulled one move Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbMarch 13, 20253 minute readNo comments
A secret payoff from the Biden administration just got exposed that has Donald Trump seeing red Cat2 corruptionbyrg_jbMarch 13, 20253 minute readNo comments
Greg Gutfeld revealed one ticking time bomb facing Democrats that left Ilhan Omar fuming Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbMarch 12, 20253 minute readNo comments
Read More 3 minute read Cat2 News Hollywood actress was ripped to shreds after she released this nauseating video Donald Trump is triggering new outbreaks of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Entertainment celebrities are melting down. And a Hollywood… byrg_jbJanuary 30, 2025No comments