James Carville turned red with rage after he got this devastating reality check about Donald Trump Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbMarch 13, 20253 minute readNo comments
Tulsi Gabbard infuriated Deep State collaborators when she pulled one move Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbMarch 13, 20253 minute readNo comments
A secret payoff from the Biden administration just got exposed that has Donald Trump seeing red Cat2 corruptionbyrg_jbMarch 13, 20253 minute readNo comments
Greg Gutfeld revealed one ticking time bomb facing Democrats that left Ilhan Omar fuming Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbMarch 12, 20253 minute readNo comments
Read More 2 minute read Cat3 Free Speech Mel Gibson just came clean about The Passion of the Christ sequel The Passion of the Christ taught Hollywood executives a lesson about the audience for faith-based movies, becoming one… byrg_jbApril 26, 2024No comments