Bill Maher busted Jane Fonda down with one truth that left her speechless Cat1 corruptionbyrg_jbDecember 4, 20243 minute readNo comments
A girl melted down in a Walmart and what followed will leave you in stunned disbelief Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbDecember 4, 20243 minute readNo comments
All hell broke loose as this GOP lawmaker humiliated a Stanford professor in one massive court case Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbDecember 4, 20243 minute readNo comments
Hillary Clinton is red with rage over this shocking video that just surfaced Cat2 Newsbyrg_jbDecember 4, 20243 minute readNo comments
Read More 3 minute read Cat2 News A Hollywood diva made one shocking reveal about Election Night Election Day did not go well for Democrats. Not only did Donald Trump win, but he won the… byrg_jbNovember 7, 2024No comments