Kamala Harris’ allies cooked up this dirty trick to carry her to victory

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

It’s all hands on deck for Democrats for the Presidential election.

They’ve got to empty the playbook to win. 

And Kamala Harris’ allies cooked up this dirty trick to carry her to victory. 

Registration scheme illegally excludes Republicans in apparent attempt to help Kamala Harris

The 2020 Presidential election was decided by about 44,000 votes in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia. 

2024 should be another nail-biter. 

Democrats are running voter registration drives before the election to boost the pool of friendly voters for Vice President Kamala Harris. 

One group appears to be breaking the law to help her in November. 

The Voter Participation Center is a left-wing non-profit that aims to increase voter registration among young people, minorities, and unmarried women – three demographics that historically skew toward Democrats. 

It’s one of the many groups trying to register voters ahead of the election.

The self-described “non-partisan organization” is spending heavily on Facebook ads to get users registered to vote. 

But the group is going out of its way to avoid targeting Facebook users who could lean Republican. 

The Voter Participation Center data in the Facebook ad library reveals that it’s running a partisan voter registration effort.

Facebook users who are interested in things that are associated with Republicans like NASCAR, Duck Dynasty, PGA Tour, Modified Jeeps, Indianapolis 500, author Tom Clancy, and other terms are excluded from seeing the group’s ads.

The group is looking to put its ads promoting voter registration in front of Facebook users who have an interest in African-American literature, pop star Tayor Swift, hot yoga, and comedian Jordan Peele.

All things that would be traditionally associated with Democrats. 

Seemingly pro-Kamala Harris group appears to be violating the law with excluded terms

The group has to follow the rules of the IRS to receive an exemption from paying taxes as a nonprofit.

IRS rules state that voter registration drives by nonprofits can only be done in a “neutral, non-partisan manner.”

The Voter Participation Center has spent nearly $800,000 on Facebook ads over the last three months in the swing states of Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Arizona, and Wisconsin.

Capital Research president Scott Walter told the Washington Free Beacon that he wasn’t surprised that the Voter Participation Center was skirting the IRS rules for voter registration by nonprofits.

“Voter Participation Center has laughed at the line forbidding partisan voter registration for years. Their partisan ad targeting fits with their using Democratic microtargeting firms. Will they ever be held accountable?” Walter wondered. “In an age of microtargeting and zero accountability, charities should not be allowed to register voters or get out the vote, period.”

The group, which claims to be nonpartisan, has strong connections to the Democrat Party. 

It was founded by Paige Gardner who worked on former President Bill Clinton’s 1992 Presidential campaign. 

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager John Podesta was one of the original members of the group’s board.

Walter pointed out that in the Voter Participation Center’s tax filings, the group has spent tens of millions of dollars with Democrat direct mail and microtargeting firms.

Democrats are looking for voters anywhere they can find them to get Kamala Harris over the finish line.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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