J.D. Vance just ruined Liz Cheney as she tried to leap back into the conversation with two words

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

The political establishment freaked out when Donald Trump seized control of the levers of power.

Now the biggest fear of RINOs like Liz Cheney is that Trump will regain power with the expanded powers they only ever intended for one of their own.

But J.D. Vance just ruined Liz Cheney as she tried to leap back into the conversation with two words.

Vance rips Liz Cheney after she endorses Kamala Harris

In a move that surprised no one, former Congresswoman Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris for President.

Cheney voted to impeach Donald Trump, then she helped organize a catch-22 against Trump on January 6.

Days before the Capitol Hill riot, Cheney reportedly commissioned a Washington Post editorial from all of the living Secretaries of Defense that preemptively condemned Trump for sending in the National Guard on January 6.

In other words, if Trump sends in the National Guard, he’s a fascist; if he doesn’t send in the National Guard, he’s a fascist who wants “insurrectionists” to take over the government on his behalf.

Cheney’s attempts to take Trump off the board failed, and she lost her Wyoming Primary badly.

She tried to recruit Democrats to vote for her, but it did not work.

Now Cheney has completed the Never Trump cycle and is endorsing Harris for President.

And Senator J.D. Vance had a strong word for her: “Good riddance.”

During a conversation at a Turning Point USA event, Vance was asked about Cheney endorsing Harris.

He responded, “[A] very good thing that I could say about the next Presidency of Donald J. Trump is that he’s going to make sure that people like Liz Cheney are laughed out of the Oval Office instead of rewarded. Because this is a person whose entire career has been about sending other people’s children off to fight and die for her military conflicts and her ridiculous ideas that somehow we were going to turn Afghanistan, a country that doesn’t even have running water in a lot of places, into a thriving liberal democracy.”

Warmongers like Cheney and her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, still believe in the folly of nation-building.

RINOs losing ground in the GOP

Vance continued, “And for that, Liz Cheney was willing to kill thousands of your children. Liz Cheney, you know what? I think it’s the best thing in the world that she’s supporting Kamala Harris.”

Over 200 RINO warmongers—people who worked on the Presidential campaigns of George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney—all signed a letter supporting Harris over Trump.

That tells the entire story.

The only thing these people care about is perpetual war, and they know that Trump has non-interventionist instincts.

Vance added, “Blessed are the peacemakers. Kamala Harris and Liz Cheney make very, very interesting partners. They get rich when America’s sons and daughters go off to die. They get rich when America loses wars instead of winning wars, and they get rich when America gets weaker in the world. We want American strength, American security, and, most importantly, peace. Let’s bring peace back to the world, and Donald Trump is the candidate to do it.”

The warmongers are hoping to oust Trump so they can move the Republican Party back in a hawkish direction.

But so many of them have shown their true colors.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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