Donald Trump hit Jack Smith with a devastating fact that will leave Democrats in tears

Trump Bobble Photo by Stephen Mayes via Unsplash

Jack Smith is racing against the clock to put Donald Trump on trial before the election. 

He made his big move to make that happen. 

And Donald Trump hit Jack Smith with a devastating fact that will leave Democrats in tears. 

Jack Smith ramps up his lawfare with the January 6 case 

The Supreme Court dealt Special Counsel Jack Smith a major setback in July when they ruled against him in former President Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity claim in the January 6 case. 

That ruling found that Presidents have absolute immunity from criminal prosecutions for official acts committed while in office.

But the Justices left it to the lower courts to determine which acts could be considered official and fall within the boundaries of Presidential immunity.

Smith’s January 6 case was built on evidence that would almost certainly be considered an official act like his conversation with former Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress on January 6.

His goal is to put Trump on trial before the election and tie him down in a courtroom for as long he can. 

D.C. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan would have to sort out the claims of Presidential immunity by Trump’s legal team which could take months if not longer with appeals.

The Special Counsel filed a superseding indictment that narrowed the evidence in his original January 6 indictment but kept the same four charges. 

He removed evidence involving Justice Department officials that almost certainly would be covered by Presidential immunity.

Donald Trump fires back on Jack Smith 

Smith’s superseding indictment is a bid to get his case moving again.

Trump called this out as election interference on his Truth Social platform.

“In an effort to resurrect a ‘dead’ Witch Hunt in Washington, D.C., in an act of desperation, and in order to save face, the illegally appointed ‘Special Counsel’ Deranged Jack Smith, has brought a ridiculous new Indictment against me, which has all the problems of the old Indictment, and should be dismissed IMMEDIATELY,” Trump wrote.

The former President noted in a separate post that Justice Department rules mean that Smith’s January 6 case should be paused until after the election.

“It is DOJ policy that the Department of Justice should not take any action that will influence an election within 60 days of that election – but they just have taken such action. Voting starts on September 6th, therefore the DOJ has violated its own policy – Election Interference. All of these Comrade Kamala/Biden Hoaxes should be immediately DISMISSED!” Trump stated.

Time is running out for Smith to get a trial started before the election and the January 6 case is his last hope. 

His criminal case against Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents was thrown out after the judge found that he was unlawfully appointed. 

But it’s not clear the superseding indictment won’t get smacked down by Presidential immunity. 

Smith kept Trump’s conversation with Pence in it. 

It’s desperation time and the Special Counsel is getting ready to throw his legal Hail Mary. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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