Democrats’ efforts to send one Trump ally to jail might have just gone belly-up

Photo by Speaker Pelosi via Wikimedia, public domain

Establishment elites have a sick vendetta against Donald Trump.

They want him to pay for winning the 2016 election.

But Democrats’ efforts to send one Trump ally to jail might have just gone belly-up.

Former top Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon is set to go to prison in a few days for Contempt of Congress.

Contempt double standard

When Democrats like Eric Holder or Merrick Garland get held in Contempt of Congress, nothing happens.

But when it’s a pro-Trump Republican like Bannon or Peter Navarro, he gets thrown behind bars.

However, the Democrats’ plan to put Bannon in jail might not work.

House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-OK) filed an amicus brief seeking to invalidate the January 6th House Select Committee report against Bannon.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) warned Democrats that they would regret nuking the Senate filibuster for judicial nominees, and they did when Donald Trump got three Supreme Court nominations through.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) again might have broken tradition in a way that’s coming back to bite the Democrats.

Pelosi’s blunder

When forming the J6 committee, Pelosi refused to allow Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) onto it.

Leadership is supposed to pick its own committee members, but Pelosi did not want anyone that would undermine the J6 witch hunt.

Kevin McCarthy didn’t even bother to negotiate, and Pelosi put Trump haters Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger on the committee. 

But Pelosi’s bloodlust for Trump could end up springing Bannon because the Ranking Member of the committee was left out of the process.

The Daily Caller reported that “House rules required the Jan. 6 Select Committee to consult with the ‘Ranking Member of the Minority’ to take a deposition, which was not possible as there was no Republican Ranking Member on the Select Committee. The Jan. 6 Select Committee held Bannon in contempt for ‘failing to appear for a deposition’ which the Select Committee could not conduct because there was no ranking member to notify. . .”

Loudermilk’s argument seems crystal clear, but that does not seem to matter when it comes to Swamp politics.

Loudermilk told reporters, “My Committee has spent the past year and a half turning over every rock, examining every shred of evidence, and investigating the entirety of operations of Vice-chair Liz Cheney and Chair Bennie Thompson’s Select Committee on January 6th. . .We have resoundingly discovered that they were not completely truthful with the American people. They had little regard for House rules and no regard for transparency. They suppressed key pieces of evidence, cherry-picked evidence that supported their narrative, and played a $20 million blame game to frame President Trump and Republicans.”

The January 6th Committee was not interested in getting to the bottom of what happened that day.

The mandate was to get Trump at all costs.

Loudermilk added, “While Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney’s two year inquisition may have entertained the media and kept numerous Democrat lawyers busy, it had very real world implications, which we see in the imprisonment of Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon. However, the previously suppressed evidence uncovered by my subcommittee exposes that their ‘findings’ were not supported by the facts, evidence, and sworn testimonies.”

It would be poetic justice if Bannon walked free because Pelosi was in a rush to persecute Trump.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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