A top GOP Senator put Disney lawyers on notice over this infuriating video

Agence de presse Meurisse, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Disney has been in complete freefall.

Beloved franchises like Star Wars have been ruined by “woke” politics.

And a top GOP Senator put Disney lawyers on notice over one infuriating video.

Disney’s stock price has taken a massive tumble over the past few years.

One of the big reasons why is that the company has leaned into “wokeness.”

After it began to hurt the company’s bottom line, CEO Bob Iger promised reforms, but the same problems remain.

Disney Executive Busted

Investigative journalist James O’Keefe got a Disney executive to admit that the company violated civil rights law and hired people based on race.

Twentieth Century Television Senior Vice President Michael Giordano told one of O’Keefe’s undercover journalists, “I have friends in HR and I have friends in other divisions. And they’re like, ‘Look, nobody else is going to tell you this, Mike, but they’re not considering any white males for the job.’”

Giordano even said that one half-black applicant was not going to get hired because he looked too white.

Giordano explained, “We wanted to hire somebody in the department. . .who was half black but didn’t like, appear half black and there was a creative executive who was like, ‘We’re not, like, that’s not, that’s not what’s wanted’. . .They wanted somebody in meetings who would appear a certain way and he wasn’t gonna bring that to the meeting.”

The executive was later confronted by O’Keefe, and he quickly ran away.

Lawyers will be busy

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), an accomplished lawyer, wrote on social media, “Disney’s lawyers will be busy. Very busy.  Because this Disney exec admitted to hiring (and not hiring) on the basis of race. As it turns out, that’s against the law. In fact, it has been for the last 60 years.”

Despite the illegality of race-based hiring practices, it has been happening for decades under the guise of racial equity.

It’s a complete inversion of civil rights law.

These types of “woke” practices inside Disney should not come as a surprise to anyone.

Most of the politicization has happened on the big screen where everyone can see it.

Iger admitted, “We have entertained with values and with having a positive impact on the world in many different ways. Black Panther is a great example of that. . .I like being able to entertain if you can infuse it with positive messages and have a good impact on the world. Fantastic. But that should not be the objective. When I came back, what I have really tried to do is to return to our roots. . .I’ve worked hard since I’ve been back to reminding the creative community who are our partners and our employees that that’s the objective. . .And I don’t really want to tolerate the opposite.”

But the behind-the-scenes “woke” politicking undertaken by middle management is just as big of a problem as the nonsense going at the theatrical level.

The middle managers are the ones who set the tone for the company.

Disney is going to continue to backslide until the adults take control again.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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