A DOJ stooge just received the one warning Jack Smith fears most

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The Deep State is bracing for a potential return to the White House by Donald Trump. 

His loyalists in government are a threat to their plans. 

And a DOJ stooge just received the one warning Jack Smith fears most. 

FBI used loyalty tests to purge Trump supporters 

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) was tipped off by a whistleblower to his office that the FBI used a contractor who created a questionnaire about agents to determine if they supported former President Donald Trump when reviewing their security clearances. 

An FBI whistleblower testified behind closed doors to the committee that they lost their careers for religious or political reasons. 

A security clearance is a job requirement for an employee of the FBI and losing it is a death sentence for an agent’s career. 

The Washington Times obtained a copy of the letter that Jordan sent to the publicly unidentified contractor calling for him to testify before the committee. 

“Since May 2020, you have worked as a contractor performing security clearance investigations for the FBI’s Security Division (SecD),” Mr. Jordan wrote. “We recently learned that while conducting these security clearance investigations, you played a role in creating and using a politically motivated questionnaire that posed inappropriate questions about FBI employees’ political views.”

Jordan wanted to know if the questionnaire was created on orders from the FBI’s leadership. 

“We have learned that you created or helped to create this questionnaire and that you used it in the course of your official actions,” Jordan added. “The Committee and Select Subcommittee are examining the development, approval, and use of this questionnaire as part of our investigation into the FBI’s misuse of the security clearance suspension and revocation process.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray denied any knowledge of the existence of such a questionnaire when he was previously confronted about it during a House hearing. 

FBI used the security clearance process to target Trump supporters 

January 6 is the biggest criminal investigation in the history of the FBI and the bureau began to target agents who expressed concerns about it. 

FBI Miami Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey Veltri – who is leading the investigation into the second assassination attempt against former Donald Trump at his Florida golf club – was identified by whistleblowers for targeting agents who spoke about January 6.

Veltri previously worked as the Deputy Assistant Director and Section Chief of SecD where he oversaw the security clearance review process. 

A whistleblower came forward and said that he ordered the security clearance of an agent revoked who expressed doubts about the 2020 Election. 

 FBI agent Marcus Allen had his security clearance revoked by Veltri after he raised concerns about the January 6 investigation. 

It took Allen more than two years to have security clearance restored. 

A questionnaire was developed by the FBI during the security clearance review process that questioned agents and their colleagues about their support for Trump, the Second Amendment, and vaccines. 

The politicized leadership of the FBI was leading a witch hunt against Trump supporters after President Joe Biden took office. 

And the bureau wanted to purge anyone in the rank and file who could be an obstacle to that thuggish investigation. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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