A Democrat judge is violating every American’s rights with this wrong move in a Trump case

Trump Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en

Democrats have shredded the Constitution in their lawfare to destroy Donald Trump.

Now their war on the Constitution has expanded farther than anyone thought possible.

And a Democrat judge is violating every American’s rights with this wrong move in a Trump case.

Donald Trump’s gag order violates everyone’s First Amendment rights

Former President Donald Trump had to fight the sham criminal case brought against him by Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg inside and outside of the courtroom.

Bragg’s mission was to do the maximum amount of political damage possible to Trump’s re-election campaign.

Trump had to defend himself in the court of public opinion during the case.

That’s why Democrat Judge Juan Merchan slapped a gag order on him to keep him from publicly commenting on witnesses, court staff, prosecutors, or their families.

Merchan kept the gag order in place after the trial until Trump’s July 11 sentencing date – which the judge conveniently scheduled days before the start of the Republican National Convention.

The trial was over, but the muzzle was still on Trump in a clear act of political interference.

Trump’s gag order was partially lifted by Merchan but it’s still unclear what would count as a violation.

President Joe Biden made it clear that the Bragg case is going to be a central theme of his campaign after a $50 million TV ad-buy for an attack ad that calls Trump a convicted felon.

But Trump has to bite his tongue because gag order violations could be used by the judge against him at his sentencing hearing.

Former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz penned a piece for the Wall Street Journal that explained that Trump’s gag order was a violation of everyone’s First Amendment rights.

“But Mr. Trump isn’t the only victim of this ill-advised gag order. It violates your First Amendment rights and mine as well,” Dershowitz wrote.

Supreme Court protects the right to hear information 

He noted that the Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment protects the right of the public to hear information and assess it.

“It is now well established that the Constitution protects the right to receive information and ideas,” the late Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote in 1968.

The Bragg case has become a part of the political process for the 2024 Election and a subject of interest for voters.

“The Democratic Party has spent millions of dollars in campaign ads focusing on the New York criminal convictions. Those who watch the debate and who have seen the Democratic attack ads have a First Amendment right to hear Mr. Trump’s full replies,” Dershowitz explained.

Dershowitz said that even if Trump’s problems with the Manhattan trial are wrong, the public has the right to evaluate what he says about it.

“The marketplace of ideas shouldn’t allow one candidate to take unfair advantage of a questionable conviction while the other candidate has one hand tied behind his back by a questionable gag order,” Dershowitz stated.

Judge Juan Merchan – a donor to President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign – continues to tip the scales of justice to help the Biden campaign.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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