A dark secret was just exposed about the Deep State that left Donald Trump on edge

Photograph Provided By: Engin Akyurt via Unsplash.Com

The investigation is beginning into the latest attempt on Donald Trump’s life. 

It’s already taken a turn for the worse. 

And a dark secret was just exposed about the Deep State that left Donald Trump on edge.

FBI agent leading investigation into Trump assassination attempt has notorious past 

The public still hasn’t received key pieces of information about the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump at a July 13 campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. 

Secret Service leadership has tried to stonewall Congress over evidence. 

And there are questions about whether the politicized FBI can be trusted after the bureau’s bias against Trump. 

It looks like the whitewash is on by the Biden-Harris administration. 

The investigations are just getting underway into the latest assassination attempt against Trump at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida. 

There are already warning signs about what direction this will take. 

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton sounded the alarm on the FBI agent in charge of the investigation in a post on social media. 

“The FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office, Jeffrey Veltri,” Fitton wrote on X. “A whistleblower reportedly told Congress that he is anti-[Donald Trump] and was ordered to scrub anti-Trump social media posts last year before he could get promoted.”

FBI agent leading Florida investigation was on Jim Jordan’s radar 

The House Judiciary Committee, led by Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), heard from a whistleblower who came forward about the extreme bias that Veltri had toward Trump. 

Veltri was called “adamantly and vocally anti-Trump” by the whistleblower. 

The FBI’s Miami office has Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in West Palm Beach in its jurisdiction. 

FBI Director Christopher Wray, Deputy Director Paul Abbate, and Executive Assistant Director Jennifer Moore directed Veltri about scrubbing his social media content of anti-Trump posts before he was promoted to lead the office. 

“Wray, Abbate and Moore wanted to ensure that Veltri appeared non-political, Veltri was ordered to remove all of his Facebook and Social media posts that were Anti-Trump,” the whistleblower disclosure stated. 

FBI leadership wasn’t worried that Veltri was biased but whether “information related to Veltri’s political bias can be removed from the public domain.”

Veltri also served as the acting Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Security Division, where he asked agents if they supported Trump when reviewing their security clearances. 

He was accused of revoking the security clearances of FBI agents who supported Trump or whom he deemed to be a “right-wing radical.”

A security clearance is a job requirement for the FBI, and losing puts an agent’s career on thin ice. 

Veltri was using his position to purge Trump supporters from the FBI. 

The fix looks like it’s already in for the FBI’s investigation into the assassination attempt at Trump’s golf club before it even began. 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ parallel investigation into it by state law enforcement could be the only chance that the truth about what happened is revealed. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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