Kamala Harris is getting shocking election help from one foreign source

Office of the Vice President of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The entire establishment wants Kamala Harris to win.

That includes the global elite.

And Harris is getting shocking election help from one foreign source.

UK government workers campaigning for Kamala

The Washington, D.C., Swamp launched a counsel investigation into Donald Trump and later impeached him for allegedly colluding with Russia in the 2016 election and seeking a quid pro quo deal with Ukraine in the 2020 election.

Foreign interference in an election is considered a crime against humanity, unless it helps leftists.

And Kamala Harris is getting direct support from staffers for the UK’s Labour Party.

Sofia Patel, Head of Operations for the Labour Party, wrote on her LinkedIn page: “I have nearly 100 Labour Party staff (current and former) going to the US in the next few weeks heading to North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia. I have 10 spots available for anyone available to head to the battleground state of North Carolina – we will sort your housing. Email me on [email protected] if you’re interested. Thanks!”

Hillary Clinton and the Left pitched a fit about some Russian troll farm creating a lightly trafficked Facebook page in 2016.

In this instance, 100 trained left-wing political activists associated with a major political party are mobilizing on the ground specifically to help Harris in key swing states.

This is definitionally foreign interference.

If 100 acolytes of Viktor Orbán’s party in Hungary traveled to the United States to work on behalf of Donald Trump, The New York Times and The Washington Post and every other left-wing outlet would lose their minds.

Human Events reported, “The initiative, called ‘Labour for Kamala’ is understood to have not been organized or funded by the Labour Party, The Telegraph reports. The outlet also said that volunteers within the party will use their own annual leave to take the trip. This is not the first time Patel has traveled to the US before a critical presidential election. Her LinkedIn profile shows she campaigned for Hillary Clinton in October and November of 2016 as part of an initiative called ‘Hillary for America.’”

Trump versus the international order

Labour Party activists organizing on behalf of Harris is the latest example of how globalists move in lockstep.

Donald Trump is not just taking on Harris and the Democrats.

He’s taking on the international Left as well as some center-right globalist parties like many members of the Tories in the UK.

Britain does not have a First Amendment, so free speech is not protected.

As a result, religious Britons have been arrested for preaching—and even silently praying—outside of abortion clinics.

Citizens have been arrested for comments they have made online.

In true Big Brother fashion, the government even warned citizens about making posts on social media.

“Think before you post” sounds straight out of George Orwell.

Democrats would love to have this kind of authority in the United States.

They envy countries that can silence the population because they believe that crushing dissent is necessary.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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