A horrific crime proved that one “woke” agenda is destroying major cities

Photograph provided By: Martin Podsiad via Unsplash.Com

The international Left has adopted truly terrible ideas.

Their response to pushback from the population has been censorship.

And a horrific crime proved that one “woke” agenda is destroying major cities.

NHS worker killed in horrific attack

Mass migration has become a major issue not just in the United States, but all over the West.

One of the reasons why Donald Trump won in 2016 was because he ran on building a wall and curtailing illegal immigration into the country.

Bringing in untold millions of unvetted people from foreign countries drives down American wages, puts a strain on public resources, and increases social chaos and instability, e.g. illegal aliens without drivers’ licenses killing citizens in hit-and-run accidents.

Prior to the election of Trump, the Brexit movement in Great Britain was spurred in large part by mass migration into the UK.

Crimes committed by migrants from the Middle East and South Asia—and children of migrants who have been radicalized in “woke” Western schools—have sadly become all too common.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan infamously said that terror attacks are simply “part and parcel of living in a big city.”

That might now include public rapes.

The Daily Mail reported that “Natalie Shotter, 37, was attacked after apparently falling unconscious during a night out in Southall, West London, a court heard. Mohamed Iidow, 35, is accused of orally raping her around midnight on July 16, 2021, the Old Bailey heard. He denies rape and manslaughter. He was caught on CCTV with Ms Shotter. . .Relatives of Ms Shotter – including her mother Dr Cas Shotter Weetman – sat in the public gallery at the Old Bailey as CCTV footage of Iidow approaching her daughter on a park bench late at night was played to the jury. After around 15 minutes, Iidow got up and left the scene, on his way home he bought cat food and Listerine from a Shell garage. The NHS worker was found dead by a passerby in Southall Park early the next morning.”

Shotter apparently fell asleep on a park bench when she was attacked repeatedly.

The Daily Mail added that the “prosecution alleges that the repeated rape caused Ms Shotter to die of cardiac arrest. The CCTV from a camera in the park was shown to the jury and narrated by prosecutor Alison Morgan KC. A male member of the jury was in tears as the footage was shown and two female members of the jury turned their faces away from the footage.”

The defendant’s story changed multiple times.

He first claimed that he saw she was unconscious, tried to help, then left.

Later he said that the victim propositioned him.

His story was belied by the disgusting CCTV footage.

The root of the problem

Back in 2010, Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted, “This [multicultural] approach has failed, utterly failed.”

Multiculturalism is not the idea of having a melting pot, but having multiple cultures exist independently inside a country.

That is a terrible idea because countries are based on shared values, cultures, and customs.

Unfortunately, radical leftists hate the West and their own societies, so they tell immigrants that their host countries are evil and racist, never mind that immigrants came to those countries because the opposite is true.

America and other Western countries can have immigration, but it has to make sense for citizens, and it has to be done at a rate where new arrivals can be assimilated properly.

Bringing in millions of people with zero border controls and teaching them that the West is evil is clearly a recipe for disaster.

Worse yet, the British government is cracking down on citizens who raise concerns about migrant crime. 

As problems worsen, the crackdowns on speech will get more authoritarian. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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