J.D. Vance has one secret weapon that will wreck Democrats in November

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

The Presidential election looks like it could be another nail-biter. 

Republicans are looking for a crucial edge. 

And J.D. Vance has one secret weapon that will wreck Democrats in November. 

10 million potential voters for the Trump-Vance ticket 

The Presidential election is within the margin of error in the seven swing states that will decide the race. 

Former President Donald Trump lost the 2020 Election by about 44,000 votes spread between Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia. 

Republicans have a massive pool of potential voters that they’re hoping to activate this year. 

There are about 10 million gun owners who aren’t registered to vote nationally. 

Pro-gun and hunting groups know that these gun owners would be mobilized through traditional campaign tactics. 

They’re getting creative to get these folks off the sidelines.

Hunting and gun social media influencers and personally crafted messages are being used to engage them. 

National Shooting Sports Foundation senior vice president Larry Keane told the Daily Caller that gun owners are a difference maker in elections. 

“Bill Clinton acknowledged, as did Clinton’s campaign, the White House spokesman Joel Lockhart admitted, that the gun vote cost Al Gore the White House,” Keane said. 

Former Vice President Al Gore’s support for gun control almost certainly cost him Florida in the 2000 Election when he lost by 537 votes. 

But it also likely cost him West Virginia which was a Democrat stronghold at the time and Gore’s home state of Tennessee.

“It cost the Democrats control of Congress in 1994 after they passed the Clinton gun ban, and we believe it can be a determinative factor in this election in places where there’s high gun ownership, in places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Montana, Arizona, Nevada,” Keane added. 

Kamala Harris is a great motivator 

Vice President Kamala Harris called for mass gun confiscation when she ran for the Democrat Presidential nomination in 2020. 

Keane predicted that her totalitarian tactics in opposing the Second Amendment could spur gun owners to show up to the polls.

“We believe [gun owners] will be a determinant factor, particularly when the contrast is so stark,” Keane explained. “You have a candidate on the Democrat side who was coronated and wants to literally, wants to send the police to your home to see how you store your guns, and wants to confiscate firearms.”

Trump knows the power that gun owners can have at the ballot box. 

“If you would vote, nobody would beat us,” Trump told gun owners at a campaign rally.

Vote4America estimated that there are about 515,000 gun owners in Pennsylvania not registered to vote, 500,000 in Wisconsin, and 370,000 in Michigan. 

Those are the three swing states that will most likely decide the Presidency this November. 

Hunter Nation influencer Keith Mark is working to identify unregistered gun owners who have traditional conservative values before the election. 

He knows that traditional political ads won’t work on them.

“It’s not only the message, it’s how we deliver it and who delivers it, and so we rely very heavily on hunting influencers and hunting celebrities,” Mark explained. “Instead of selling a product, we’re selling freedom. We’re selling their lifestyle. We’re selling the ability to be independent and not hassled by your government, because these people that hunt when we poll them, it’s just like, ‘hey, I don’t want the government in my business, and so I’m not going to go get in their business.’”

Hunter Nation is working with celebrities like Ted Nugent and the Duck Dynasty crew to get their message out. 

In a close election, everything matters on the margin. 

Gun owners could be the key to helping Donald Trump win swing states. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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