A Kamala staffer just went on Fox News and followed her boss’ word salad example

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

There might be one thing that Kamala Harris is even more famous for than her radical left-wing policy positions. 

Her inability to coherently answer questions. 

And now a Kamala staffer just went on Fox News and followed her boss’ word-salad example. 

Oprah rushes to Kamala’s rescue 

In a desperate move to recapture her lost momentum, last week Kamala Harris appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show for what amounted to little more than an unreported hour-long infomercial for the Harris-Walz campaign. 

Oprah did her best to make the Vice President look good – not an easy job. 

Oprah turned to her celebrity friends to convince voters that Biden’s border czar is best equipped to be the next President of the United States.

Meryl Streep, Chris Rock, Ben Stiller, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Bryan Cranston all made appearances. 

But they watched along while Kamala struggled to answer softball questions from the audience. 

Kamala turned in her latest word-salad performance. 

“We love our country. I love our country. I know we all do, that’s why everybody’s here right now. We love our country,” Kamala said. “We– we take pride in the privilege of being American and this is a moment where [pause] we can and must come together as Americans, understanding we have so much more in common than what separates us. “Let’s come together with the character that we are so proud of about who we are. We believe in what is possible, we believe in what can be, and we believe in fighting for that.”

To that meaningless prattle, Oprah responded, “hmmm.” 

But Oprah was a good friend and did jump in multiple times to save Kamala. 

Unfortunately for one Kamala surrogate, Oprah wasn’t around when she went onto Fox News. 

Word salad tongue is apparently contagious 

Harris-Walz campaign surrogate, Kelly Hyman, was recently the guest on Fox News with Sandra Smith. 

Smith asked Hyman a simple question, 

The topic of the unaffordability crisis created by the Biden-Harris administration came, up, and Smith simply asked Hyman what is the Vice President’s plan? 

One would think that by this point in the campaign, this obvious question would be one the Harris-Walz team would have an answer waiting at the ready. 

However, Hyman had no answer. 

“We’re waiting,” Smith followed up. 

Then Hyman showed off what she’s learned in the Kamala Harris school of word salad. 

“Yeah. Okay. Excuse if there’s — there’s a lot of aspects to it in, in regards to looking at it online,” Hyman said. “So, let’s talk about lowering the grocery cost because that’s something that’s brought, brought up. You the viewers can look at this online. She talks about certain things in regards to advancing the first federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries, to set clear rules to the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit consumers as well.”

She’s talking about Kamala’s plan for Soviet-style socialist price controls. 

But Smith had a different question in mind. 

“Is that happening?” Smith asked. “Is that currently happening? 

“It’s not at this moment. No,” Hyman answered. “This is her plan that’s laid out for the first 100 days when she becomes president of the United States of America.”

Since Hyman clearly couldn’t understand the basic question, Smith was more blunt with her follow up. 

“Price gouging, is that currently happening,” Smith clarified. 

“In regards to the — I don’t know exactly if that’s currently happening or not because I’m not privity [sic] to that type of information,” Hyman stumbled. 

Hyman concluded by playing the victim card and declaring that Smith – who is a woman – was “disrespecting” her because Hyman is a woman. 

Smith summed up what her viewers were surely thinking. 

“It seems like you’re having a hard time articulating her plan.”

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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