Ron DeSantis dropped one infuriating bombshell about the second Trump assassination attempt

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Ron DeSantis has cemented his status as the best Governor in America.

He has had to push forward a conservative agenda because RINOs would not.

And DeSantis dropped one infuriating bombshell about the second Trump assassination attempt.

DeSantis calls out the feds

Donald Trump was nearly assassinated at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Two months later, he was almost assassinated again, that time in West Palm Beach, Florida.

After the first attempt on Trump’s life, the Democrats and their media allies paid lip service to wishing Trump well and toning down the political rhetoric. 

This time around, there was no such grace period.

The Left immediately began blaming Trump for almost getting killed.

Thus far, the Secret Service and FBI have been silent on the investigation into the Butler attempt.

For that reason, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that he would get state officials involved to investigate the second attempt.

And he dropped the shocking detail that the feds have been uncooperative regarding the investigation.

DeSantis told Fox News host Laura Ingraham, “The answer is ‘no,’ they’re not being cooperative. . .I am concerned. For example, we were rebuffed, our investigators were rebuffed just going to the fence line outside of Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach.”

Attempted assassin Ryan Routh reportedly camped out for 12 hours outside the golf course, using a paparazzi perch to get a line of sight to Trump.

DeSantis continued, “But here’s the thing, there were multiple violations of Florida law across multiple jurisdictions. . .We think at least three judicial circuits, this guy. . .committed potential violations of Florida law. So we have a duty to investigate this. We have a duty to bring the appropriate charges and we also have a duty to inform the public about how this happened.”

If a Democrat former President and Presidential candidate almost got assassinated, the story would never leave the front page of the news.

Parallel investigation stonewalled

DeSantis also told Ingraham, “So as soon as we got word of this on Sunday, I told our guys in state law enforcement, save all his social media because you know Facebook will delete it, the tech companies want to delete it  . . . Get his digital trail, store that, because we need to know, how did he end up in Florida to begin with? What is this pathway this guy has taken to end up in those bushes trying to assassinate the former President of the United States and current Republican nominee? How did that happen?”

These are all questions that have not been sufficiently answered.

The media are more concerned with blaming Trump’s rhetoric.

DeSantis concluded, “And we have not gotten answers about Butler. . .We have not gotten answers about things like that Las Vegas shooting from many years ago. So part of the investigation that our folks are doing is they are going to provide evidence they find of motive, evidence of his associations, and evidence of his beliefs. I think it is very important that the public to get the real story on that.”

The American people have lost faith in the Deep State, so Republicans like DeSantis are going to have to step up.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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