Big Tech has one ace in the hole to carry Kamala Harris to victory

Photo by Anthony Quintano, CC BY 2.0,, via Wikimedia

Kamala Harris needs all the help she can get this election. 

The most powerful forces in the country are working overtime for her. 

And Big Tech has one ace in the hole to carry Kamala Harris to victory. 

Google caught manipulating searches for Kamala Harris 

Google has complete control of the search engine market in the United States. 

Americans run tens of millions of searches on Google Search every day looking for information. 

The company has about 90% of the search engine market. 

Google can control what voters see when they’re looking for information on the Presidential candidates. 

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe left the group to found O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) to continue his groundbreaking undercover journalism work. 

An OMG undercover journalist went on a date with Google growth strategist and ad salesman Dakota Leazer. 

Leazer revealed how Google is manipulating its search engine results to help Vice President Kamala Harris. 

He said that Google was using its ads to promote Kamala’s campaign while making it seem like it was organic. 

“Google was essentially promoting through its ads… rhetoric that was very, like, pro-Kamala,” Leazer explained. “And, like, it seemed to link out to, like, legitimate, like, news publication sites.”

Users searching for information on Kamala would think they’re getting information about her from a legitimate news site, but it was actually her campaign.

“It seemed to link out to legitimate news publication sites. So, it seemed like it was an ad from PBS, but it was really an ad for the Kamala campaign,” Leazer said. 

Search engine results were also pushing favorable content about Kamala to the top.

“You go to Google, they’re reorienting the search engine such that Kamala’s more, you know, favored,” Leazer stated. 

He also thought that other Big Tech companies were helping the Democrat Presidential candidate. 

“Facebook, I feel like, is promoting… content that is favorable towards her,” Leazer said. 

Google is investing in its favored candidate 

Leazer was asked why Google is going out of its way to help Kamala. 

He claimed that having her in the White House would be better for the company’s bottom line.

“Google’s a very liberal, progressive company,” Leazer explained. “If they have a belief that one side will allow them to make more money…. I don’t think it’s political. I think it’s economic. I think it’s all about the share of the stock price.”

Leazer said that Big Tech was working in unison to move the needle for Kamala. 

“It’s like this is, like, a coordinated effort by, like, big tech, like big companies to, like, try and get her to win,” Leazer claimed. 

Big Tech is colluding to manipulate voters to help their preferred Presidential candidate. 

“I mean, it’s all like a psy-op,” Leazer said. 

Google Search is one of the most widely used means by which voters search for information about the Presidential candidates. 

Rigging the results could move an untold number of voters in Kamala’s direction without anyone realizing it. 

Donald Trump isn’t just running against her; he has to beat the system that’s backing her too. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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