A DOJ stooge just threw Alvin Bragg under the bus with a bombshell revelation in Trump case

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

No U.S. politician has been targeted the way Donald Trump has.

The Deep State clearly does not want him setting foot in the White House again.

But a DOJ stooge just threw Alvin Bragg under the bus with a bombshell revelation in the Trump case.

DOJ spokesman confirms Trump is being targeted

Donald Trump has been hit with unprecedented levels of lawfare.

Court cases have popped up across the country, and they’re all intended to impede him from getting a second term.

And one Department of Justice bigwig effectively admitted it on camera.

An undercover journalist working for conservative commentator Steven Crowder recorded Nicholas Biase, DOJ Chief of Public Affairs, ripping George Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his sham case against Trump.

Biase admitted, “Honestly, I think the case is nonsense.”

Bragg concocted a novel legal theory to go after Trump for allegedly falsifying business records, which is a misdemeanor in New York.

However, Bragg elevated the misdemeanor to a felony by claiming that the falsification covered up an underlying crime.

Judge Juan Merchan—a partisan Democrat who donated money to Joe Biden and whose daughter fundraises for major Democrat campaigns—instructed the jurors that they did not have to agree on the underlying crime; they just had to conclude that Trump committed some crime.

Even liberal legal scholars called out Bragg’s show trial.

Biase stated, “He [Bragg] was just stacking charges and rearranging things just to make it fit a case. . .It’s a mockery of justice.”

Initially, Bragg was not going to charge Trump, but he was under enormous pressure from the Left to find a crime with which to charge Trump.

Biase continued, “It affects his candidacy if he’s a convicted felon.”

He also acknowledged that the lawfare was backfiring on the Democrats.

“Those felonies did nothing to stop Trump from running,” Biase added. “In fact, they made him more relevant. . .That’s why he’s surging in the polls.”

Bragg seeking higher office

Biase suggested that Bragg was interested in seeking higher office, thus the effort to nail Trump for something in fulfillment of his campaign promise.

“He wants to be something. . .A mayor? I’m not sure what he wants to be, but I know he’s not happy just being the DA of New York County. Before he decided to prosecute Trump, did you know who he was? You do now.”

Bragg was a professor at a New York Law School before running for district attorney.

“The whole thing is disgusting,” added Biase. “It’s a travesty of justice.”

Biase also took aim at Judge Merchan, who delayed sentencing Trump until after the election.

Biase predicted, “This guy is probably going to try to lock him up. And there is going to be—it’s going to be ugly. . .They are so obsessed with getting him.”

Letitia James also got some of Biase’s wrath for her preposterous fraud lawsuit against Trump.

“Every real estate person in New York does what he did. Nobody’s ever been charged with this…You know, it’s a perversion of justice.”

In light of the video’s release, Biase apologized and said he was simply trying to “impress” his date.

Nevertheless, someone inside the belly of the beast laid out the Democrats’ entire plan against Trump.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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