Kid Rock and Bill Maher lowered the boom on the Boy Scouts for this disturbing betrayal

Photo by Staff Sgt. Jim Greenhill on Flickr.Com

The Boy Scouts were an institution for more than a century. 

But they lost their way. 

And Kid Rock and Bill Maher lowered the boom on the Boy Scouts for this disturbing betrayal. 

Boy Scouts change their name to Scouting America 

The downhill slide for the Boy Scouts was complete after the group changed its name to Scouting America to be more inclusive. 

Boy Scouts began accepting girls as members in 2017 in the name of equality even though the Girl Scouts existed. 

That set the stage for the woke takeover of the organization and getting “boy” out of the name. 

Scouts can now earn a merit badge in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in addition to the traditional ones for survival skills. 

Comedian Bill Maher slammed the Boy Scouts for changing their name during a segment on his HBO show Real Time

“It’s such an Onion headline,” Maher said. “The whole f***ing country is such an Onion headline. The Boy Scouts of America. It cannot be called Boy Scouts anymore because it’s exclusionary. Like there isn’t a Girl Scouts? Like this is some sort of crime against nature that we each, people are different. It’s now Scouting America.”

Maher noted that this type of woke outrage helped put Trump in the White House. 

“This is the kind of thing that gets Trump elected,” Maher said. “This is the kind, I’ve said it a million times here. The Democrats, you lost a crazy contest to a crazy person.”

Democrat mourns the latest victim of the Left’s culture wars 

Former Representative Tim Ryan (D-OH) slammed the Boy Scouts for going coed during the segment. 

“I was not in the Boy Scouts and would have probably never made it,” Ryan said. “But those are difficult. They have to achieve. They have to put forth effort. They have to overcome obstacles.”

“They have to overcome failure,” Ryan added. “That’s part of maturing and becoming a full-functioning adult. To take that away is insane to say this is targeted towards young boys because young boys are different than young girls.”

 Maher’s guest, Kid Rock, argued that this was the natural progression of participation trophy culture. 

“It started decades ago, in my opinion. It started decades ago with timeouts and last-place participation trophies,” Kid Rock explained. “And sorry to put it so harsh, but it seems to me like we lost a good portion of a few generations of men who’ve just turned into complete f***ing p***ies.”

Scouting America CEO Roger Krone told the Associated Press there was some “backlash” to the name change but he argued it sparked interest in the group. 

“The fact that we were going with a more kind of gender-neutral name, a lot of people kind of wanted to know more about it,” Krone claimed. 

Boy Scouts taught timeless values to more than 100 million boys since the organization was founded in 1913. 

It took less than a decade after Boy Scouts allowed homosexual Scout Masters for the organization to be completely conquered by the woke outrage mob. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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