Kamala Harris is hoping you don’t remember what Democrats were saying about her just a couple years ago

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Democrats are scrambling to ignore the will of their own voters and bring everyone around the campfire for a kumbaya moment for Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Left-wing talking heads on television and social media are talking up Harris as the most accomplished civil servant in history. 

But Harris is just hoping voters don’t remember what her own party was saying about her just a short time ago. 

Kamala Harris was an odd choice for a running mate 

The 2020 election cycle began just five-short years ago. 

But with an unprecedented 2024 cycle and one of the most disastrous White House administrations in history, it can feel like forever ago. 

So, it can be easy to forget that Kamala Harris actually entered the race as one of the heavy favorites to be the Democrat nominee to face Donald Trump. 

But her frontrunner status didn’t last long. 

Harris proved to be a terrible campaigner — failing to connect with voters. 

And she was even worse on the debate stage. 

To steal a line from Trump-supporter Hulk Hogan, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (then D-HI), ran wild all over the then-California Senator. 

The trouncing helped make Harris the first major candidate to exit the 2020 race. 

However, Joe Biden insisted he would only name a black woman as his running mate, and he selected Harris to be his Vice President. 

But before Democrats wanted to dump Joe for Kamala, it was once the other way around. 

Harris has been a failure as Vice President 

Donald Trump has already defeated Joe Biden this election cycle. 

That led Democrats to wave the white flag of surrender and clamor for nearly a month for the incumbent President to end his re-election campaign. 

Biden eventually caved in to demands from his party’s elite. 

And now, the party is coalescing around Biden’s Vice President, Kamala Harris. 

However, a few years ago, it was Harris who the party leaders wanted to oust. 

Rumors were swirling that Democrats believed Harris to be a drain on the ticket and that Biden needed to switch horses midstream to give him the best chance at re-election. 

The fear started with Harris’ Vice Presidential staff revolting and bolting at record speed. 

In fact, The Federalist has reported that 92% of Harris’ staff left in the Vice President’s first three years in office. 

That’s almost a full office turnover. 

Harris’ Eastern European tour to try and prevent a new conflict in easter Europe, not only didn’t work, but her constant gaffes on camera embarrassed her country. 

“Embarrass” is the perfect word to describe all of her world-salad interviews. 

And she has been an utter disaster as Biden’s border czar. 

All of this has led to approval ratings even worse than her boss’. 

Democrats wanted to dump Kamala before they wanted to dump Joe 

The Washington Post ran an article in May, 2023, titled, “How Joe Biden should solve the Kamala Harris Conundrum.” 

The op-ed suggested Biden’s biggest drag to his re-election effort wasn’t his age or record, it was his Vice President. 

“It’s the uncomfortable question of whether voters can get their heads around Biden’s vice president as a potential president — a question that is probably more pressing for Biden, who would be 82 if he takes the oath for a second time,” columnist Matt Bai wrote. “Harris has lately earned mockery from the right for rambling incoherently, as she did at a White House event for Women’s History Month in March. Clips like this will play on a loop next year, when you can expect to see constant reminders of Biden’s frailty.” 

That same month POLITICO posed the question, “Will Kamala Harris Harm Joe Biden’s Reelection Chances?” 

The answer in the article was telling.

“It’s the specter of Biden’s age — the actuarial data that looms over his candidacy — that throws the ‘Harris’ question onto center stage,” POLITICO’s Jeff Greenfield wrote. “There’s no question the vice president will face serious scrutiny in 2024, and fairly or not, she’s struggled to win over Washington and much of the public.” 

Greenfield concluded, “Democrats have reason to worry.” 

The month prior, Obama administration White House Counsel Greg Craig argued in the New York Times that an open convention should decide Biden’s new 2024 running mate. 

They’re being suppressed on Google, but if you dig far enough, you can find tons of examples of left-wing political wonks suggesting Biden’s best bet for re-election was to dump the baggage and pick a new running mate. 

He didn’t. 

And now, he’s gone and she’s running in his place . . . 

. . . at least for now. 

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