A Biden-Harris staffer revealed this plan to shut down Donald Trump online

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

The digital landscape is becoming an important battlefield in modern campaigns.

Democrats are looking to manipulate the system to give themselves an edge. 

And a Biden-Harris staffer revealed this plan to shut down Donald Trump online. 

Biden-Harris team reveals how they were able to manipulate public opinion 

One of the biggest problems that dogged President Joe Biden since he launched his last Presidential campaign in 2019 was his mental acuity.

An uncovered Zoom video call shows how the Biden campaign was able to manipulate information online to hide Biden’s mental decline.

Kamala Harris’ deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty – the Biden campaign’s 2020 digital director – revealed in a November 18, 2020, Zoom call with the British left-wing activist group Hope Not Hate that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) created a program to influence the discussion about Biden.

The program would search for and flag “misinformation narratives” about topics like Biden’s mental decline on social media platforms.

“Misinformation” like Biden’s mental decline would be censored with the help of the program.

Flaherty said that the program was “one of the smartest things” the Democrat Party did.

Then-Biden for President Director of Rapid Response Rebecca Rinkevich – who currently works in digital strategy at the White House – explained how the censorship scheme worked on the call.

She claimed there were massive numbers of posts circulating online that were filled with “disinformation” about Biden’s mental decline.

“We targeted folks based on online behavioral cues, building out personas, based on the type of content they were consuming, what they were searching, the kinds of websites they were visiting so that we could target folks in real-time as they were exposed to that disinformation,” Rinkevich explained.

Online users were met with DNC propaganda if they were discussing “misinformation.”

Democrats credit propaganda for Biden’s 2020 victory

Biden won the 2020 Election by about 44,000 votes in three states; Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin.

Rinkevich credited the program for swinging 200,000 votes in 2020.

That’s more than the votes that Biden won in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin combined in 2020.

“The risk and the hit concern around mental acuity in particular went down by eight points over the course of our campaign,” Rinkevich said.

Democrat propaganda was quietly targeted at online users to ease their concerns about Biden.

Big Tech controls the online flow of information 

DNC’s Counter Disinformation Program director Timothy Durigan told the New Democrat Network that Big Tech companies “really hold the cards” on how content spreads on their platforms in a July 2021 Zoom call.

Durigan runs the DNC program used to manipulate public opinion.

“There’s a reason why the hard-right dominates Facebook,” Durigan said. “It’s because of the way their system is oriented to hold people’s attention, to keep them afraid and outraged. That content kind of moves to the top, and then those publishers are incentivized to create more of it, create more of this propaganda.”

The DNC is going to go back at it again this election to help carry Kamala Harris to victory in November.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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