Judge Judy just dropped one truth bomb about Alvin Bragg that has the outrage mob losing their minds

Paulo Barcellos Jr., CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s witch hunt against former President Donald Trump has turned him into one of the most popular people among the Left – especially in the Big Apple. 

However, not every New Yorker is impressed with Bragg and his anti-Trump vendetta. 

And now Judge Judy just dropped one truth bomb about Bragg that had the outrage mob losing their collective mind. 

Judge Judy wants DAs to fight crime not play politics 

Judge Judith Sheindlin didn’t become a household name and arguably the most popular judge in America by biting her tongue and holding back her opinions. 

In fact, quite the opposite. 

And sometimes her opinions shock the people she’s giving them to. 

Just ask Never-Trumper Chris Wallace. 

The CNN anchor recently interviewed Sheindlin – thinking the woman who helped raise money for Nikki Haley’s Presidential campaign would be willing to further the anti-Trump rhetoric coming out of the self-proclaimed, “most trusted name in news.” 

But Wallace found out the hard way, that while Trump wasn’t Judge Judy’s first choice – she’s no Never Trumper. 

“I, as a taxpayer, in this country resent using the system for your own personal self-aggrandizement,” Sheindlin said. “You had to twist yourself into a pretzel to figure out what the crime was. He (Bragg) doesn’t like him (Trump). New York City didn’t like him (Trump) for a while.” 

The judge added that she could think of a lot better uses for New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s time and resources. 

“I would be happier, as someone who owns property in Manhattan, if the district attorney of New York County would take care of criminals who were making it impossible for citizens to walk in the streets and use the subway,” Sheindlin said. “To use his efforts to keep those people off the street, than to spend $5 million or $10 million of taxpayers’ money trying Donald Trump on this nonsense.”

When asked what she thought of Trump overall, Sheindlin left it at that he was a good businessman and she enjoyed him on The Apprentice

Judge Judy melts the leftist snowflakes

But if Judge Judy thought stopping short of saying anything positive about Trump politically would keep left-wing fans of her new show, Judy Justice, on Amazon’s free streaming service, Freevee, then it was one of the rare circumstances where she misjudged. 

Leftists on social media were triggered by Sheindlin’s expert legal opinion on the supposed New York City “conviction” of the former President. 

“When EVERYONE around someone like Trump starts going to prison for covering for him, that person is likely guilty too,” tweeted Ryan Shead of the Hold the Mic podcast. “Judy also just sh** on the judicial system and jury that convicted Trump on ALL COUNTS. They seemed to come to their conclusion quickly.”

Everyone around Trump is in prison? 

And is it a surprise that a jury made up entirely of Biden voters, who were given biased instructions by an activist judge, reached a quick conclusion? 

“Judge Judy appears to be parroting Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo’s irrational fear that people can’t walk down the street in New York or take the subway as a reason to support Donald Trump,” Tweeted another user. “Utter paranoia from people who never even take the subway.”

Perhaps the user missed that the Democrat New York Governor has sent the National Guard to protect the subway and that the New York Post has reported a 53% increase in subway attacks. 

“Judge Judy is literally telling the world that keeping her taxes lower is more important than democracy,” another account tweeted. “Disheartening and leathesome [sic] at the same time.”

That wasn’t at all what Judge Judy said. 

She didn’t ask for a tax cut – she said she wanted her tax dollars spent fighting crime – not prosecuting political “nonsense.” 

Further, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who’s not a radical leftist believing that the Trump so-called “conviction” in Gotham had anything to do with “democracy.” 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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