An unearthed Kamala Harris clip has all hell breaking loose

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Kamala Harris is her own worst enemy.

Her attempts to appear moderate are failing because of her own past words.

And an unearthed Kamala Harris clip has all hell breaking loose.

Tucker Carlson points out Kamala Harris’ radicalism on guns

Kamala Harris is desperately saying anything she has to say in order to become President.

She is reversing all of her old positions through anonymous campaign staffers, stealing Donald Trump’s policies, and avoiding interviews like the plague.

But it’s still not working.

People are seeing through the façade, which is why she has not seen much movement in the polls since the sugar high of her initial campaign launch wore off.

After her debate with Trump, polls showed that voters trusted him even more after watching her.

Harris has an authenticity problem.

And it just got worse.

Harris and running mate Tim Walz are trying to allay fears that they will be notorious gun grabbers.

And despite what Harris says now, everyone knows what she really believes about gun rights.

Tucker Carlson unearthed a disturbing clip of Harris and captioned the video, “This is openly totalitarian. If we don’t resist this, we’re done.” 

In the clip, Harris said, “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”

Unless you believe her recent campaign messaging, that’s what Harris truly believes.

She wants to come into the home of law-abiding citizens and “check to see if” everything is to her liking.

Harris has always been a gun grabber

This is not the first time she has made deeply radical statements on gun rights.

During an April 2019 CNN town hall, Harris said, “I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws, and if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action. And specifically, what I will do is put in place a comprehensive background check requirement. I will require that for any gun dealer that breaks the law, the ATF take their license. And by the way, ATF, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, they don’t have enough agents in the field. But the ATF will be instructed to go and do those inspections. And then on the third piece, if they do not, if Congress fails to act, I will take executive action to ban the importation of assault weapons into our country.”

Do not be fooled by the abrupt pivot to the middle.

Harris is a stone-cold radical.

She has been a San Francisco liberal her entire career, and she remains one.

For instance, Harris bragged about providing taxpayer-funded “gender-affirming” surgeries for male prisoners who identified as the opposite sex.

Harris said, “When I was Attorney General, I learned that the California Department of Corrections, which was a client of mine—I didn’t get to choose my clients. . .[T]he Office of Attorney General, that they were standing in the way of, of surgery for prisoners for prisoners. And there was a specific case and when I learned about the case, I worked behind the scenes to not only make sure that that transgender woman got the services she was deserving. So it wasn’t only about that case, I made sure that they changed the policy in the state of California, so that every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired in need. And I believe it was not only—I know it was historic in California, but I believe actually, it may have been one of the first if not the first in the country, where I pushed for that policy in a department of corrections.”

Democrats and their media allies are selling Harris as a moderate.

It might be their biggest lie of all.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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