An FBI whistleblower was silenced from speaking about this scary abuse of power

Photo by Shinsuke Ikegame, CC BY 2.0,, via Wikimedia

Whistleblowers have been coming forward about the weaponization of the FBI. 

But they faced retaliation for trying to bring the truth to the American people. 

And an FBI whistleblower was silenced from speaking about this scary abuse of power. 

Big Tech and the FBI try to bury FBI’s whistleblower’s stunning revelations 

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has been investigating the weaponization of the federal government. 

FBI agent Marcus Allen testified before Jordan’s subcommittee on the weaponization of the government about how he had been targeted for retaliation by the bureau by speaking out against the FBI’s handling of the January 6 investigations. 

Now, Jordan is investigating Big Tech censorship and the possible involvement of the Biden-Harris administration.  

Allen gave an interview to the group Catholics for Catholics that was hosted on its YouTube channel.

YouTube censored the video so Jordan is demanding answers. 

He wrote a letter to Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, the parent company of YouTube, asking why the company censored Allen’s video. 

And Jordan demanded any communications between Alphabet and the Biden-Harris administration about Allen. 

“YouTube appears to have censored a video in which FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen, a witness before the Select Subcommittee, detailed serious misconduct at the FBI and expressed his deeply held religious beliefs,” Jordan wrote Pichai.

“This censorship of religious and political speech is deeply troubling in light of YouTube’s previous collusion with the Biden-Harris Administration and Alphabet’s pattern of anti-conservative political bias,” Jordan added. 

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Allen, a devout Catholic, talked about his faith and how it helped after he came out as an FBI whistleblower in the YouTube interview. 

“During the interview, Mr. Allen shared how the FBI targeted him for his political and religious beliefs, how the FBI’s retaliation affected him and his family, and how he relied on his faith during the ordeal,” Jordan stated. “Almost immediately, YouTube censored his story and religious expression.”

Allen testified before the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government about how the FBI was using the security clearance process to retaliate against whistleblowers and purge conservatives from the bureau. 

A security clearance is a job requirement for anyone working in the FBI. 

Pulling an agent’s security clearance is a virtual death sentence for their career at the bureau. 

“In late 2021, I raised concerns about the FBI Director’s testimony about the January 6th Capitol riot, not out of political motivation, but out of a duty to truth and integrity,” Allen testified at the hearing. “This act, which I believed to be in the spirit of transparency and accountability, led to unexpected and severe consequences.”

Allen had his security clearance yanked and was suspended without pay by the FBI for 27 months. 

He fought back against the FBI’s retaliation and had his security clearance restored earlier this year. 

The FBI is trying to purge anyone in the bureau who doesn’t march in lockstep with the politicized leadership’s political agenda. 

Allen warned the American people to prepare themselves. 

“This is a warning to the American people, I say: I personally have no confidence that the FBI will rein in its own conduct,” Allen said. “I personally believe that there are no current, effective checks and balances against them conducting lawless action with any type of correction in a legitimate timeframe.”

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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