A Fox News host was aghast over repeating this big lie to take down Donald Trump

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Many leftists and so-called moderates have a deep loathing for Donald Trump and his millions of supporters. 

Ensuring that he does not retake power remains their top priority. 

But a Fox News host was aghast over repeating this big lie to take down Donald Trump.

Democrats rejuvenate debunked conspiracy about Donald Trump as November inches closer 

Many leftists like to claim that Donald Trump, his allies, and his millions of supporters represent a “threat to democracy.” 

Yet, these same leftists have spat in the face of democracy repeatedly in recent years. 

Not only has Kamala Harris become the Democrat nominee without a proper primary, but also many of her supporters continue to deny the results of the 2016 election. 

For years now, Democrats and so-called “moderate Republicans” have made up excuses to account for Hillary Clinton’s humiliating loss to Donald Trump. 

Russian interference remains the prevailing theory among Never-Trumpers, which investigators have since disproved. 

Yet, Kamala Harris and her team have already started to use the Russian interference excuse for this election cycle.

The other day, journalist Matt Taibbi discussed the repeated attempts to revive the Russian interference hoax on The Story with Martha MacCallum. 

When asked about the motives of the revived Russian interference hoax, Taibbi told MacCallum, “Because the utility of this story, you know, as a propaganda vehicle is entirely designed.” 

“It’s aimed at Donald Trump squarely. This story would not be in the news. You wouldn’t have every network covering it. You wouldn’t have Joe Scarborough doing rants about it if it didn’t have a Donald Trump angle to it. And this has been true since the very first time they unveiled this story way back in 2016,” Taibbi added in his Fox News segment. 

As Taibbi notes, the Russian interference hoax has little to do with protecting American elections but rather delegitimizing Donald Trump and the millions of Americans who support him. 

Furthermore, in today’s world, $10 million is peanuts in the grand scheme of federal spending, and as Taibbi notes the concerns from the Biden-Harris regime are nothing more than political theater. 

Latest scheme to stop Donald Trump demonstrates Kamala Harris’ disdain for American democracy 

Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ watch, the entire world has become engulfed in conflict and chaos. 

Yet, last week, the Biden-Harris administration revealed that their national security priorities are completely out of line, wasting incredible federal resources on perpetuating bogus hoaxes as the world sits on the brink of World War III. 

In the coming months, the Biden-Harris regime will almost certainly continue to peddle this hoax, hoping that Americans will buy their claims that Donald Trump is working with the Russians to thwart American democracy. 

Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris regime circumvented voters to replace Joe Biden with a far more youthful and radical nominee, chalking up any support for Trump as Russian interference. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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