Ted Cruz infuriated Bill Gates when he called out one company

Committee Chairman Sen. Ted Cruz asks questions of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Executive Assistant Commissioner for Operations Support William Ferrara during testimony in a hearing before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Space, Subcommittee on Aviation and Space, to discuss the role of the the air transportation industry in mitigating the spread of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Washington, D.C., March 4, 2020. CBP Photo by Glenn Fawcett

The Democrat Media Complex is cracking.

That’s why Donald Trump was able to pull off a historic political comeback.

And Ted Cruz infuriated Bill Gates when he called out one company.

The Censorship Industrial Complex

Donald Trump used his Twitter account to bypass traditional media in 2016.

Trump went on alternative media platforms to circumvent Democrat-controlled press outlets and get his message out there.

Ever since Trump changed the game with his media approach in 2016, the establishment has been devising ways to rein in alternative media and funnel the audience back toward traditional, controlled outlets like the broadcast news networks.

Hence, the creation of the Censorship Industrial Complex.

Platforms that deviate from the official narrative are attacked as spreaders of “disinformation” or “misinformation” by a constellation of websites, nonprofit groups, and federally funded research organizations.

The goal is to attack advertising revenue, access to banking, or have alternative media voices de-platformed altogether.

One of the worst actors in the censorship space is NewsGuard, a site that purports to be unbiased and rates various news sources on credibility.

Of course, NewsGuard arbitrarily boosts left-wing legacy institutions and downgrades conservative outlets, even when they are factually correct.

Cruz going after Microsoft

And Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) is calling out Microsoft, the software giant founded by left-wing oligarch Bill Gates, for its connection to NewsGuard.

Cruz wrote to Microsoft, “It has come to my attention that Microsoft is actively promoting and funding NewsGuard’s so-called ‘Media Literacy’ tool, which is being rolled out to schoolchildren across the country. Given growing concerns about NewsGuard’s ideological bias and its efforts to manipulate young minds, I ask for transparency regarding Microsoft’s involvement in and financing of this Orwellian censorship project.”

Through its Media Literacy tool, NewsGuard is attempting to orient school kids to be biased against non-traditional sources of news from a young age.

Cruz continued, “Your company’s financial support for NewsGuard is especially troubling given Microsoft’s purported commitment to protecting free expression online. NewsGuard, which touts itself as an ‘apolitical’ ‘news rating’ organization, has been under increasing scrutiny for its bias against conservative viewpoints. Specifically, NewsGuard has labeled conservative outlets, such as the Federalist, the Daily Wire, and Newsmax, as ‘unreliable’ based on a subjective, opaque, and inconsistent rating system, while flagging their accurate reporting as misinformation.”

While right-leaning sources are dinged, equally partisan sites on the Left get favorable ratings on NewsGuard.

Cruz added, “In contrast, NewsGuard rates left-leaning outlets like Jacobin, the Atlantic, and the New Republic as highly credible even when they have peddled deceptive and sensational headlines and articles that were factually incorrect.”

The Democrat establishment knows that it cannot function without overwhelming propaganda at all times.

That’s why the Left is leaning so heavily into censorship.

 Cruz also wrote in the letter, “The organization’s ‘Media Literacy’ program, which is actively marketed to schools, has faced criticism for pushing a left-wing ideological agenda while censoring conservative perspectives and news outlets. NewsGuard’s marketing of its services to schools appears to be less about education and more about ideological conformity. Instead of encouraging critical thinking, NewsGuard’s extreme bias limits young minds from questioning authority and forming independent opinions. This distorts media literacy by limiting the range of ideas to which students are exposed.”

That is the exact intent.

With the rise of alternative media, the Left no longer has monopoly control over the narrative.

And they are desperate to reclaim it.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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