Star Hollywood actress shared Melania Trump message that sent Leftists into a rage

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats have been in meltdown mode over the last eight years.

Their Trump Derangement Syndrome has affected every corner of America.

And a star Hollywood actress shared one Melania Trump message that sent leftists into a rage.

Donald Trump was inches away from getting assassinated in front of millions of viewers at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

His death could have torn apart an already politically hyper-polarized country.

Sadly, messages of unity have fallen on deaf ears, or have been completely rejected by anti-Trump factions.

It took the Democrat-controlled media five minutes to go back to their overheated rhetoric about Trump.

After the shooting, former First Lady Melania Trump wrote a letter regarding the shooting of her husband.

Starlet shares Melania’s message

The letter was conciliatory in nature, calling for a cooling of temperatures.

And Emmy-nominated Hollywood actress Shailene Woodley shared Melania Trump’s message calling for an easing of tensions.

Unfortunately, Woodley simply sharing the message was interpreted as some sort of political statement.

Leftists have been conditioned to hate everyone and everything associated with Donald Trump, no matter what.

One online user commented, “How [the f***] you gonna star in a dystopian film and then still end up being a MAGA?”

The commenter, referencing the sci-fi Divergent trilogy, is (1) assuming that sharing the message makes Woodley “MAGA,” and (2) cannot even fathom that a dystopian threat could come from the Left.

Another commenter wrote, “I mean the flop to MAGA pipeline is getting popular. How many youtube beauty girls went full MAGA during a controversy? i’m assuming the money’s there.”

This is how strong the left-wing conditioning has become.

Harmless letter

Melania Trump’s message was not even controversial.

She wrote in part, “I am thinking of you, now, my fellow Americans. We have always been a unique union. America, the fabric of our gentle nation is tattered, but our courage and common sense must ascend and bring us back together as one. When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron’s life, were on the brink of devastating change. I am grateful to the brave secret service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their own lives to protect my husband.”

It’s hard to understand how anyone could be bothered by that statement one day after Donald Trump almost got murdered.

Melania continued, “To the families of the innocent victims who are now suffering from this heinous act, I humbly offer my sincerest sympathy. Your need to summon your inner strength for such a terrible reason saddens me.”

The former First Lady added, “We are all humans, and fundamentally, instinctively, we want to help one another. American politics are only one vehicle that can uplift our communities. Love, compassion, kindness and empathy are necessities. And let us remember that when the time comes to look beyond the left and the right, beyond the red and the blue, we all come from families with the passion to fight for a better life together, while we are here, in this earthly realm.”

If that message is considered offensive and divisive, then those leftists have completely lost the plot.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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