Kamala Harris’ radical record is being memory-holed with one shocking move

The United States Senate – Office of Senator Kamala Harris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrat Party bosses have switched horses from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris.

The press is fully invested in selling her as a moderate to the American people.

But Harris’ radical record is being memory-holed with one shocking move.

Joe Biden finally made the decision to step down.

Democrat Party bosses looked at the polls and realized that Biden had no shot of defeating Donald Trump.

That’s why they twisted his arm to drop out of the 2024 Presidential race until he cried “uncle.”

Now the Democrat Party machine is going all in on Vice President Kamala Harris.

But Harris’ record is deeply problematic.

She has supported many radical causes and has made countless radical statements.

For example, Harris enthusiastically said she would ban fracking.

Harris also said that she wanted to issue an executive order declaring a national emergency on gun violence as a way to implement gun control.

The Left is hard at work attempting to clean up her record in order to appeal to moderate voters.

Website running interference for Harris

And the website GovTrack is trying to scrub her Senate record.

Republican Dave McCormick, who’s running for Senate in Pennsylvania, attacked incumbent Democrat Bob Casey by releasing a campaign ad tying him to Harris.

In the video, CBS host Norah O’Donnell tells Harris, “The nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator.”

Two days after Biden dropped out and endorsed Harris, GovTrack changed its Kamala Harris page.

The site added the correction: “On July 23, 2024, this article was updated. The text. . .‘especially given our ranking her as the most left-leaning senator in 2019 based on cosponsorship. But looking at the legislation she’s introduced tells a different story — judge for yourself’. . .was removed. Once the 2019–2020 session of Congress was complete, the statistics for the entire session and for Harris’s entire tenure in the senate showed a different story.”

The site is trying to moderate Harris’ record by backing off that statement, but the statement was true at the time.

Newsbusters reported that “an archived version of the link affirms that GovTrack did indeed rate Harris as the most liberal senator in 2019. GovTrack is now trying to distance themselves from their own reporting by urging people to consider the entire 2019-2020 session, but clicking on that link informs the user that Harris was the second most liberal senator in front of only Sen. Bernie Sanders. As for Harris’s entire tenure, she still ranks as being more left-wing than Sen. Elizabeth Warren.”

Cannot hide from her Far-Left record

Being mentioned in the same breath as Sanders and Warren illustrates where Harris is on the ideological spectrum.

Newsbusters added Harris’ “ranking may fluctuate from year to year, but anyone who is the most liberal at one point is not a moderate.”

Not only does Harris have to own Joe Biden’s record, she has to own her Senate and California Attorney General record.

Harris’ frequent word salad speeches and charmlessness are enough to disqualify her as a viable candidate, but the radical policies should make her unelectable.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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