Joy Behar is fuming after a former “View” co-host revealed this sick mistake for 2024

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The ladies of The View are some of the biggest cheerleaders for the Democrat Party on TV.

Now that exuberance landed them in hot water.

And Joy Behar is fuming after a former View co-host revealed this sick mistake for 2024.

The View slammed for being sorry Democrat hacks

The View was working overtime to hype up President Joe Biden as his campaign faded this year before its fatal implosion at the debate.

A token Republican is always one of the hosts on the daytime talk show – that’s inexplicably part of ABC’s news division.

The show has almost exclusively featured RINOs like Meghan McCain, Abby Huntsman, and current co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin who get paid to bash Republicans on TV so the Democrat audience feels good about themselves. 

Former The View co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck – the wife of former NFL quarterback Tim Hasselbeck – was the one arguably authentic conservative on the show.

She slammed co-host Whoopi Goldberg for “bullying” viewers into supporting the new presumptive Democrat Presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre appeared on The View for a softball interview – and her first public remarks since Biden dropped out of the race.

Hasselbeck slammed the co-hosts for not asking tougher questions to Jean-Pierre.

“Where were the questions? Absolute misuse, disappointing, not surprising of course, that there was no follow-through,” Hasselbeck explained.

Jean-Pierre pointed to the letter Biden posted on social media when she was asked about his reason for his surprising decision to drop out.

“Joe Biden did the right thing, handing it over to someone who could do the job, why can’t he? Where was that question? Not there on purpose, we’d say,” Hasselbeck stated.

Kamala Harris gets a free TV commercial

Hasselbeck said that Harris got a free campaign from the co-hosts and Jean-Pierre.

“This is her main stage, this is where it all begins and unfortunately, the very stage and table that calls for choice all the time wants to sit there and by the mouth of Whoopi Goldberg, a friend of mine, and I tell this to her face-to-face, is bullying her viewers into voting for Kamala based on the fact that she is a female,” Hasselbeck said.

Goldberg played the gender card to scold the show’s audience into backing Harris.

She and the rest of the hosts are all in on Harris as the Left’s new political hope against former President Donald Trump.

“I think that’s absolutely ignorant strategy and I hope the women who are watching tune out or actually tune into what’s going on at that table,” Hasselbeck explained. “It’s absolute brainwashing, it’s an abandonment of what they had. There was an opportunity, as KJP said, actual questions and no follow-up. It was really disappointing, not surprising.”

Jean-Pierre showed up on The View after Biden dropped out precisely because she knew she wouldn’t get any tough questions or pushback

The show serves as a daytime outlet to push the Democrat Party’s preferred narrative on the public. 

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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